Lord Autumn-Bottom

I love Cornell's song.  I scoffed at first, because it was a dude singing a James Bond song, but once I got over that I started to really enjoy it.  But then, I also really like the Tomorrow Never Dies themesong (one of the few bright spots of the movie, for me).

This one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet….

This one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet….

Ooo!  Whichaway?  Also, what's popsugar.com?  Also, are you a 26 years old doctor?

Ooo!  Whichaway?  Also, what's popsugar.com?  Also, are you a 26 years old doctor?

YOU must be new here!  Jerk.

YOU must be new here!  Jerk.

Makes sense; I should've expected it.  Good choice, though; I'm sure she'll knock it outta the park.

Makes sense; I should've expected it.  Good choice, though; I'm sure she'll knock it outta the park.

I don't think I can take a whole season of One Direction.

I don't think I can take a whole season of One Direction.

He's always gonna be T-Money to me.

He's always gonna be T-Money to me.

I marathon things pretty regularly, so there are plenty of great, at least semi-memorable marathons I've done.  Many years ago, I house-sat for my sister for a month while she backpacked around Europe.  While she toured her museums in France and Germany, I watched her DVDs of Arrested Development's first season (my

I marathon things pretty regularly, so there are plenty of great, at least semi-memorable marathons I've done.  Many years ago, I house-sat for my sister for a month while she backpacked around Europe.  While she toured her museums in France and Germany, I watched her DVDs of Arrested Development's first season (my

Release party at the Low-Cal Calzone Zone?

Release party at the Low-Cal Calzone Zone?

Whoa!  I like Episodes, but let's not go nuts.

Whoa!  I like Episodes, but let's not go nuts.

Did any of the cast members contract CancerAIDS during that season?