Another Narrator Returns

Yeah, he doesn't even have the excuse of being drunk. Kanye isn't part of the same machine as TMZ, Kanye West makes music. They've had music long before there were shitty gossip sites, making music for people to enjoy is a worthwhile pursuit.

I feel for you man. You want to say something smart-ass and witty but you also want to get your comment in as soon as possible so it's not too far down, and sometimes out of that struggle comes just nonsensical word salad.

If I got really drunk and started shit with someone in a bar, getting in their face and being insulting to the point where they punched me, no I would not sue them. I'd feel ashamed of my actions and think I got what I deserved. That's how the paparazzo would be feeling, if he were a human being capable of emotions.

I love Vic's outrage face. Especially when it precedes violence. There's nothing scarier than a guy who seems like he's mad at you for making him have to kick the shit out of you.

But he gets results you stupid chief!

Haha, I got all the way through your comment and was choking on my own outrage when I saw your name. Well played.

Alright, I know used a lot of smug internet put downs myself (though you did start it with that "I know it's long" bullshit) , so I can't really get on you for saying lame stuff like "aww, he thinks he's winning". I'd sure like to though, cause that shit is lame. Still,

Sigh… Okay, direct quotes from the essay

Bradley did actually make several jokes, but you kept all your replies as angry and serious as possible, as well as ignoring what he was actually talking about (the tweets) to talk about what you want to talk about (that essay from a few months ago).

I'm confused how this fits with his recent "no one should make rape jokes" stand. Is his position now that only Patton Oswalt can make rape jokes?

Andrew Ti is such an internet tough guy. I'm sure Scott could go on a rant about how he's a white nationalist not a white supremacist and reverse racism is destroying America and why isn't there a white history month? and Andrew Ti would just smile and nod and agree.

Wait, Terms of Endearment is an unimpeachable classic now? I mean, it's not bad, certainly superior Oscar bait, and I didn't want to tear my eyes out watching it or anything. But a classic?

When I read the title my first thought was "wow, Av Club's going meta".

Eh, I was being sarcastic. Depiction isn't the same as endorsement. I was using an obviously ridiculous example, saying Brokeback Mountain is homophobic, to show how his reading of Ender's Game is ridiculous.

It's like that homophobic ending to Brokeback Mountain, where Jake Gyllenhaal is beaten to death for being gay. Okay, the movie doesn't show it in a positive light, but still, it's not disingenuous to point that out. Because depiction is the same as endorsement.

It absolutely makes a difference when it was. It's a lot more difficult to not be homophobic in a time when gay people were considered deviants on a par with pedophiles (and in fact people didn't really make a distinction between the two). And it's a lot more difficult

It's funny how Frank Miller's gone so far off the deep end that people now think Dark Knight Returns was him hiding his fascist tendencies.

The only way to properly enjoy a Terrence Malick film is to accept, before the film begins, that you are watching a great film and no matter how frustrating or silly or boring the film is, understand that it is all part of the film's greatness, which is innate and unquestionable. I imagine his hardcore fans don't try

Oh no you didn't! I used to be fat but now I'm all that!

This has to be a low point for the Av Club comments section. I know people here can get pretty snobby about how they watch the show right and other people watch the show wrong and they're bad people because of that, but here you have people actually saying a dying 16 year old can't take whatever inspiration he wants