The ghost of sean O neal

Martz you exposed yourself a poser. Everyone knows the old puss is the best. You just like the young stuff cause you have a pencil dick.

Listen you sacrilegious anus-fister, Jesus didn't have any siblings because he was fucking Jesus. So how the fuck do you have a retarded nephew? And isn't it a bit inconsiderate of you not to cure him using your zombie powers?

What the fuck kind of turgid prattle is this? Learn to construct a fucking sentence before you lip-off about "reactions & relationship to the great works". Nice use of the ampersand. Did you think it made your nonsense appear classier? 

Fuck community in its ass. The shows for fucking nerds.

That' s was the last fucking straw you conservative pederast. Nobody talks about Norm like that. Why don't you go bang your thirteen year old girlfriend out back of her part time job at Wendy's like you always do. You can get her preggers as god intended because you and your insane cult outlawed birth control. Then

the south park boys stealing jokes was the lowest of the low, especially after the gay fish episode where the rip on Mencia for stealing jokes. They lost all their credibility for me with that one.

Game of thrones is for D&D nerds who are so stupid they can't look up medieval porno about sister rape on the internet. Instead, they watch a midget get gummers on hbo.

We're you drunk when you wrote that shit?  Man, confused girls, popular girls, they're all teabagged in the end.

okay then….that made no sense but sounded good.

Moebius created art. Stan Lee created children's comic strips that were later crafted into art by his successors. You bucket of santorum.

So you admit you're going off about something you know absolutely nothing about? You must be an american.

You're objectively a slimy piece of dog shit

The 3d was the entire point you fucking idiots. That's what he spent twelve years developing.  It'd be like watching an entirely black and white copy of the Wizard of Oz and then being like " I don't get what the big fucking deal is when she shows up at oz".  blah blah I saw it without 3d at home and I didn't like it

Liked Alien Resurrection? Credibility destroyed. Here's your retard card, don't try and stick it up your anus like you do everything else, you'll need it to get on the short bus.

this is why I disincorporated from the rancid corpse that is O Neal, too many factual errors.


Spike Lee deems this coonery and buffoonery

I was worried after seeing the letter grade, reading the first paragraph of this review that this would be the episode that destroyed eastbound's untarnished record of each episode being excellent. I thought this episode was the funniest yet. They've gone into some Harold Pinter, theatre of cruelty-level shit, only

@whataworkout, Schaffer was the driving force behind the plot in season one. He sets up the scenario where Kenny has to have a pitching contest with Mackworthy, which is the climax to the kenny trying to rediscover his pitch arc. I think he'll play a similar role in the season, coming back in a later episode to

I loves me some Cronenberg, but Crash was one of the worst pieces of shit ever.  I'm all for perversity but fuck man come on. The only thing I can think of that might be more disturbing is picturing av club posters having sex.