The ghost of sean O neal

Underworld 7: Total Recall 2: Fuck the ticket holder.

More like Total Fail. Amirite?

Eat fucking humble pie Rabin! An A- for a Gordon Green? Shows you that the bests eps of this season have all been Green. Fuck the haters. Motherfucker's a genius.

I'm sorry I got under your skin so much @avclub-0f29370d9da664c1e143182f37301063:disqus . Maybe next time you'll think before open your big mouth and get your feelings hurt so bad. I don't like to see you angry all the time.

As much joy as murdering babies?

You just have a fantasy about fucking a she-male that looks like Galifianakis, admit it.

That's kinda a clunky retort don't ya think. Damn, I really got inside your head.

That michael bay guy, he's cool.

No stink pink, you jerk men off. There's a difference. God you're such a ball licker I can't believe it.

Supremely shitty list bro.  Kill Bill excluded. T3 ? Fuck yourself.

@Cinedouche:disqus  thanks for that? I guess….that's pretty much the most obvious point you can make but okay.

Yawwwwn! Sorry, I fell asleep reading that and didn't get the gist of it. I did get the vibe you're completely out of ideas.

Yeah, fuck this noise. I'm spending my money on Raid: Redemption.

Jesus Pinkie the flop sweat on your brow is palpable even across the internets. I've already won.

@avclub-ad243ee79261779b6a6f10f9a6202c04:disqus , sorry for being a tad diplomatic. And your butchered English ain't helping your cause any.

Rabin and O Neal have been humping as well. That's how I became discorporated. O Neal suffered a particularly hard pounding at the pelvis of rabin.

Remove your head from your ass O Nell. I promised myself not to troll anymore but now you're not even writing newswire you're just posting your inter office chats? Fuck me. Every try I try to get out they pull me back in. Have something fucking integrity man.

That sounds like the worst parts of Deliverance. Maybe I'm a deeply prejudiced person but Evangelical American christianity gives me nightmare visions of gap toothed hillbillies self-flagellating before a dashboard bobble head jesus.

See what I mean about not being good enough?

@avclub-a8cf86b7e95be74b1204e22a9aab9cd0:disqus , American's a fucked up place friend. Thank god I live in Canda where people treat themselves right