The ghost of sean O neal


Ernest Borgnine. You might remember him as Sgt. 'Fasto' Judson in from here to eternity

Let me introduce you to my good friend, a vagina.

It's all religious repression. His moms wouldn't even let him watch D&D as a child and twenty years later POW he's a full fledge lame wad

It does give your life meaning. I've been trying my hand at commenting and not trolling and I'm starting to like it. I've even been contemplating getting a new avatar and starting over fresh.But then Juanito or SarCcastro or Pinkie Fisticuffs post and I just get so fucking angry I can't stand it.


Does anyone else find hearing about Todd's super fucked up childhood disturbing? Discuss…

Todd runs afoul of an Irishman

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus , too much meandering bullshit to wade through is more apt. I skipped to the pithy comments, there's entertainment to be had there.


Fuck you you lying sack of dog shit. The hottest girl in your class wasn't playing D&D, she was giving hjs to me and the cool kids under the bleachers

The plantation scene is genius. An abrupt tonal shift in the series? Yes. Funny as shit? Also, yes. And the funny is what matters. @avclub-b5847c565f0308380cbbc6453b4c438c:disqus , I concede your point about the written content but the directors are also responsible for the texture and tone of the performances. Green

O nell I know you better than you know yourself. You obviously posted unflattering pics in the interest of the comedies. Don't pretend otherwise. next you'll be saying that butt pic of Brett Ratner was one his publicist gave you and if Ratner looks foolish that's something the readers are projecting themselves.

Yeah, a castrated battle royale with a plethora of characters dressed in shitty 1960s scifi tv level cheesy costumes. Seriously, every time I see a preview I think I stumbled onto a bad 60's doctor who episode.

Young Adult implies somebody whose Seventeen at most.  My gripe is that rather than reading something adult in theme and subject matter with language a tad more challenging, many American readers would opt to read something written in language dumbed down enough that somebody who isn't even out of high school yet

I don't know how tragic it is. I loves me some Aronofsky but he does come from a pretty privileged background and it shows in his films and his (shudders in revulsion) anti-drug adds. I mean, think about the subtext of his depiction of Jennifer Connelly's fall from grace. She ends up sleeping with a black guy! And of

According to Rabin only the most erudite of Harvard graduates would even vaguely know what the Criterion collection is. Except for the fact I see them all over the fucking place at Future Shop. Even people who didn't go to University can read Rabin you classist fuck.

Anything you want Kenny Powers, anything at all

But when I think of the hilarious highlights of this season I think of Kenny's funereal speech and Schaeffer plantation. Both Gordon Green episodes. I think Rabin unjustly maligned Your Highness  (The Sitter sucked don't get me wrong) so he feels the need to promulgate his contention that Gordon Green has lost his

I watched a MST3K gem entitled Master Ninja for the third time as well as The War of the Colossal Beast.