The ghost of sean O neal

You said it all man

Fuck the French! Malick all the way cocksuckers

It's about as flaming as my cock after putting it in your mama's anus.

You're scum Pinkie Fisticuffs. That was unwarranted and unprovoked. I'm here, elevating the discourse and you had to make it personal. I was simply saying that every American soldier is a baby murdering village burner. Now if you can't think of an  appropriate, mature response, please don't bother.

"technically the kill is justified, like the time I shot an Iraqui kid in the face because he looked at me funny" -Juanito

He should punch your mother in the face. Irrespective of whether the falklands belong to Britain or not, Limey's are an evil bloodthirsty people whose entire history is comprised of rape and murder and they should be taken down a peg whenever possible.

It really means American war vets are pieces of dog shit

"Here's a pencil and a binder kid, sorry for the whole blowing up your uncle thing and destroying your priceless cultural heirlooms in our totally bitching 'shock and awe' campaign"

@avclub-a9351d889897deeda87c75ee538b4f63:disqus , I care because the American military is pure evil but you retards have been brainwashed from youth to think its "honorable" and an act of "valor" to contribute to the the united states attempted subjugation of the world.  Ha ha we just ate pizza and tried to fuck

Why don't you shoot me then? I hope the people you murdered haunt your dreams.

It's a job. I shoot people in the face. Don't judge me. I just commit murder. Plus I get free dental cleaning. Fuck yourself.

Holy shit you nailed it man. Beautiful

Thank you someone had to say it. All meaningless, America swinging its dick wars. They all died for no reason

Isn't McP's that bar where they have a bunch of young boys in the cellar as sex slaves? They are American veterans so it's expected.

@avclub-f6f154417c4665861583f9b9c4afafa2:disqus , if Juanito was an enlisted American soldier then he doesn't deserve my respect. He deserves to have me spit in his fucking face because he's a murdering pig. I'm not American, why would I give a fuck if somebody is stupid enough to enlist to support the American

Mr. "I love the Phantom Menace" Phipps, I got a question for you. Your review implicitly endorses American war atrocities, how does this make you feel?

Seriously committed to making the biggest scale recruitment video in history.

Yeah well I translate books into ten different languages and have five phds. And I've read shit you haven't even heard of yet.  We can do this all day horsefucker.

I wish I could hit like x1000 for this comment.