The ghost of sean O neal

It's about as classy as waterboarding or stripping prisoners of war naked and making a human pyramid out of them. You see shit like that will happen when you relax your recruitment standards so much you allow people who are functionally retarded into the military.

Calm the fuck down you right wing nut. You're right bro murder is awesome bro. Let me guess you live in the deep deep south, have two fucking teeth and polish your shotgun in between sessions of amorous pig fucking.

the first paragraph is complete and total bullshit, well said.

Cool story bro, did you catch the footage of them pissing on corpses after?


Was it really necessary to make the first paragraph a blow job to a bunch of baby killers? Fuck the American military. The av club is a bunch of jingoistic fucks

Fuck the av club community in their collective anuses. Wasn't it you fucking hypocrites that banned unregistered users cause shit got to the fuck real? Rest your mildewy cunts on my middle fingers you dick gobbling sacks of santorum.  Fucking weak-stomached rusty trombone dispensers.

@avclub-80b912d8d81919969ccab0080ddd8e2f:disqus , people who say they can't enjoy Shakespeare's "voice" are the same kind of people who would claim fallout boy is superior Beethoven- complete retards

your posts are utter and total bullshit

The old "I know you are but what am I" comeback. Your genius does know no bounds @avclub-bc68599029928a93ff775e686c3be325:disqus .  Shrivel up and die you fucking waste of life. You demean everyone here by continuing to post.

Wow @avclub-bc68599029928a93ff775e686c3be325:disqus , what an insight. It's hard to make a good movie with a crappy script. What other nuggets of wisdom do you have to share? It's also apparently hard to write a good post if you are an idiot too

@avclub-fc83ad3d76e063f48fb8a0c5a10a4e01:disqus , burning like the sores your mama's mouth left on my scrotum filled with herculean testicles

@avclub-fc83ad3d76e063f48fb8a0c5a10a4e01:disqus  you only like him cause rams his cock in your mouth. I bet he is fucking smooth isn't he?

No they make action movies for people with actual testicles in their scrotums not neutered beotchs like you

@avclub-fcb45e971ad4ebd5a613b4bf5a307172:disqus , if you "loathe" Shakespeare than you are a retard.

So how do you think he's going to break batman's back in the Dark Knight Rises? My money's on the suplex.

I know right? I know he has to write a whole three newswires a day but is it to much to ask for an original joke every hundred or so?

And the oscar for running a joke into the ground in a single article goes to….Sean O Neal. Also, George C. Scott for man getting hit by football

Well aren't you an uppity bitch? I hope your children are murdered and their carcasses ground up and spoon fed to you. Bet that isn't the first time you heard that is it?

@avclub-57db7d68d5335b52d5153a4e01adaa6b:disqus ,