The ghost of sean O neal

This isn't the first time denzel's been a complete hack

@avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus , kudos on remaking a ten minute old comment. That's genius. Now if you could come up with a prequel idea for the comment somehow, you'd have my eternal respect

Alright, if I don't have a penis how'd I fuck your mom then smart guy? Oh wait…with my tongue…that's right

Correcting my spelling doesn't change the fact I fucked your mother.

Holy shit! I mean…holy fucking wow! This is the nerdiest thread in the history of the AV club. I mean ever. Jesus…just fuck that's some nerdy shit. Reading this thread retroactively erased my many many conquests of women and I'm a virgin again now. Thanks guys.

Shhh Archmage not in front of the Yankees.

Shut the fuck up the both of you.

I liked his first sitcom better

I'm genuinely saddened by this. As a young man of 12 years old the Red Shoe Diaries awakened my burgeoning sexuality and sent me on a life long journey that culminated in me thoroughly sexually satisfying all of your mothers many, many, many times. Jazz music played in the background, wild improvised jazz music that

What's really missing from this article is the fact that Canadians like Leonard Cohen are hyper-masculine supermen who do American art better than Yankies ever could possibly hope to dream. Only cause our country is superior in every regard.

I concur. It's hard to imagine the director of Episode IV and Episodes 1 and 2 are the same person. Dialogue like "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and gets every way," is something I'd be embarrassed to find doodled in my grade 9 English notebook. But what's more shocking is that Lucas thought that he had

Don't cry for me, I'm already dead. [puts single rose in empty beer bottle on windowsill-rose withers]

A shitty george lucas movie? That's a first

Tatum is the first to die

@ hispterdbag, I'm not afraid to say that you're a total fucking idiot.

@avclub-e131fa896265671584c9b01cb0ed51cd:disqus , I was that troll. Trust me this place has more jerk than a Jamaican restaurant. Look at how pissy Tasha got because someone said that her opinions we're slightly off the mark. Yes, because calling someone "off the mark" is way out of line compared to the snarkfest the

alright o neal, let me see if I get your logic correct here. When Armond White makes snide comments about people who are much more talented than him he's being a ludicrous contrarian but when you do it it's hip and edgy? Could you please explain how you're any different then White? Because from where the rest of the

So I looked up the definition of unfunny in Webster's dictionary and the first example was this thread.

actually archmage your genitals are designed to be shriveled and useless like a vestigial limb. Ya know, like the kind that fall off ya from non-use.