The ghost of sean O neal

shut in the fuck up archmage, nobody gives a shit about your drivel.
Stewart is a debased, pontificating bitch who boldy forsakes comedy in an effort to appear politically relevant.

Now I understand the slipshod nature of your critiques. Does everyone member of the staff drink before writing their articles? That would explain a lot.

Kaiser, what you are engaging in is a straw man. A) Bill was conducting an interview and the question he posed to his guest was do you believe that the USA's increased security measures (drone attacks being one of them-preemptive though it may be) made it less likely that America would be attacked on 911. B) Debating

@avclub-b10ec5bd6b2d491d3a1fb43631adf750:disqus It's hardly equivalent. Bill has no sway over governmental policy like the Republicans do. Bill's display of ignorance is not at all equivalent to a party who preaches anti-intellectualism and ignorance as official party dogma, which results in inimical effects

Actually, Kaiser, the point Bill was making was that because of the united states increased focus on national security in the wake of 911, an attack on the anniversary of 911 was unlikely. He listed measures the US has taken to ensure its security, including drone attacks. While drones aren't a domestic security

difference is Maher took an imbecilic stance on a vaccine one time, which really affected no one. Republicans are actively contributing to the destruction of the globe through willful ignorance in the interest of political gain. See what your doing there is creating a false equivalency Wallet Inspector.

Big difference is O'Reilly preaches an ethos of hate. Fuck you American liberals are such goddamn pussies start sticking up for yourselves poindexters

"make it really easy for a critic look intelligent by poking holes in their statements"

You sound like one of those simian tparty douches. You'll be sorry once my petition passes to have each member of the teaparty summarily executed for their crimes against humanity.

that's because the us is a country comprised entirely of dogshit. The american people especially.

Since the moderators are also gone for monday, lets us discuss how shitty the av club commenting section has become since they banned unregistereds lo' those many days ago. I have see such circle jerkery since that brief time I spent as a towel boy in that venetian bathhouse. Discuss…

This site has really just become a parade of total assholes.

Yeah the source is called british history, you goddamn idiot. This is exactly the type of thread we all feared from the new av club comment system. Laughless mirthless comedy. I bid you farewell forever.

If they delete my ghost of o neal account I'm am just going scream

The real christopher nolan, its time I finally confessed how I actually died. While on vacation I finally gave into my natural curiosity about Christopher Nolan's enormous schlong. I regretted my proto-fascist deleting of his account and wanted to make it up to him orally. After a passion night of lovemaking Nolan

Is this the end of Zombie O Neal?

Ya see when my mummified corpse was reanimated by the av club, they forgot to reanimate my talent-ya see. So my corpse lashes out fans who point out that my article wasn't written clearly enough to convey my message.

they did replace me with an imposter. Todd choked me to death when he got to excited whilst I writhed against him in a particularly sweaty lap dance. The av club had to cover it up somehow.

Now that my mummified corpse has returned to write the news wire I can finally have my rest and return to the ether.