

How is this a topic for an article? Or is the topic that LOL-this-isn't-a-real-topic-but-Breaking-Bad-stuff-is-good-for-ad-revenue? This is local news anchors riffing bad.

Lennon dying young is looking better and better as a career choice. Someone had a good agent.

I didn't read the hug like that at all. He was out of words to say because Jesse had just told him that he knows all his words are manipulative. So he resorted to the only thing he could do, physically manipulate him. And Jesse saw right through it. Now, I'm sure Walt has deluded himself to some extent, and that's not

I think so too.

I either want Baldwin to really commit to this, and violently attack all paparazzi, come what may, or get a fucking grip on himself. I truly am not sure which would be more sane.

@avclub-2d0cca95ad6a2061d208d765e79af478:disqus LOL context brah, there are no a priori limitations to words allowed in critical arguments.

@Professor_Cuntburglar:disqus LOLOLOL Roger Ebert is not a critic LOL… you chose the most neutered, shitty, mainstream, Hollywood cum guzzler there is as your example of a critic??? LOL

@Professor_Cuntburglar:disqus Again, being a dick is part of being a critic. I am being imPOLite because I am going against the POLity. And being seen as pretentious because you talk about something that isn't down-to-Earth is a feature of trying to extricate yourself from late-era capitalism's obsession with

@avclub-0a908c9c90f0928cf44e56c32435d238:disqus LOL

Goddamn, when your predictions are so good, shouldn't they be marked as spoilers? I think they should. Come on!

LOL go rape some babies fuckjob

@avclub-0f29370d9da664c1e143182f37301063:disqus LOL

LOL, no

@avclub-0f29370d9da664c1e143182f37301063:disqus LOL

LOL well then I agree with him. What do you think a critic is? He is imPOLite, going against the POLity, as I explained below. There is no such thing as being an honest, fully developed critic, without being an asshole (at least in late-era capitalism). You stick with being the good guy, the bon homme - have fun with

Yep, and that's what will justify Walt in getting Todd and the Nazi's to kill Jesse (next episode is titled Rabid Dog, a parallel to the other Jesse-centric episode titled Problem Dog). Also, Walt will pay off Todd and the Nazis by showing them how to cook properly, because how can the final season of this meth-y show

We don't root for Walt because we are empathetic humans who enjoy being connected to our humanity when watching television, and thus having real emotional experiences as the result of said television watching. To do otherwise is to callous over your clearly broken heart. Have fun with all that distanced viewing


:( it's over for our boy J. I would be more surprised if he didn't die. And I think it'll be Todd and the Nazi's who do it. The only question is how Saul will react.