
@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus Knocks on beema's door in Germany in WW2, "hey man, we got some burning jew smell in our sofa and can't scrub it out, let's go stop the holocaust" beema responds: "LOL you fag you like jews, we're trying to play pinochle in hear, don't talk about jews, its depressing and

@DoctorChimRichalds:disqus "basic human" - let me stop you right there, I'm not a naturalist, thanks anyways, subject and object dialectically interpenetrate one another, our knowledge of the natural is for us, thus making all things natural appear within a historical context, thus making your bon homme idiocy

Yes, I have a consistent standpoint, thank you. (Ooh, you called it an "agenda" in another post, even better! Thank you again, I try to have a vision for what ought to be the case in what I say, danka, danka!)

Actual content rather than hilarious self-consciousness about lack of content being the content, good, prostars.prosky approved.

Am I trying to be 'a real blast'? No, I'm trying to critique, which is the opposite of trying to be 'a real blast.' You fuckers who grew up with Roger Ebert… incapable of critical thought…. you know, the kind that makes you a non-blast…

To upset the likes of you bro.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I thought you were hip and you'd understand, it's in your name.


…because being self-conscious about your guac-douchery makes it all okay…?…. and where's the self-consciousness about the shift from "this is a funny, cute, guac-related story" to "LOL we wouldn't be that banal and local-newspaper-y without someone nudging you about it!"…… I wouldn't have guac-bombed if I knew it was

An advertiser to give me permission.


Yes, well, modern man could use a little more depression, as could these comedians. But why be depressed when you can be distracted?

Criticizing the invasion of the schmaltz of advertisements with pop culture fans … what was I thinking… I should have just got in an argument with a religious person… forgot that this is your God…

Do you see the way that guy in the video laughs at the comment "this will get you in the mood for a laugh riot"? That's the kind of thing you get for being a real blast. Enjoy your advertising inflected bon homme life.

I was there last night. It was depressing. Very commercialized, very tourist-y, lots of repetitious crowd work (the same couple in the front row was asked the same questions by 7/10 of the comedians). I thought I was a unique and interesting person for liking Louie. Nope. Show lasted for 3 hours, left exhausted. The

Well, there was at least three times a character in authority told a character under pressure "may I remind you that you are under oath," which was nice, because I often forget the emotions I'm supposed to be feeling and the extra help helps.

You're a good reader.

I've been waiting for a chance to be able to 'like' that comment, danka.

@squideatindough:disqus And yet, I'm always right.

And Jesse is a dumb stoner kid who got caught up in something. Walt is a genius who chose to be evil. Tiiiiiny difference.