
You didn't email your high school English teacher to tell her about this comment and its concise, trenchant wit?

I agree. He sometimes lays down a few notes on that guitar and everyone goes home happy. But all this talk of poisoning family members made jamming it up a bit seem inappropriate to Dave….

Beautiful little description there, but where's the breakfast joke? NO LIKES FOR YOU.

@avclub-21c3134ee5edcb618c4f9aae358d73a7:disqus Exactly, Marie is associated with purple, meaning that it was impossible to have Jesse in that house and not surround him with purple…. thus making you assigning any extra meaning to the color purple whacked right the fuck out.

@avclub-9b3d616efffb52751fd968db82ece52a:disqus He's American. Trust me.

No, he's going to claim to be Heisenberg! < / end mock > Seriously… how would claiming to be Heisenberg even work? Going on the news? Having a rap session with Beaver and Skinny P about how he totally is Heisenberg? Doing illegal things like cooking meth thus risking fucking up Hank's already whacked out case? Doesn't

A breakfast joke has 100+ likes and my brilliant, genius, inspiring, call-your-friends-to-talk-about-it comment about Dave's guitar being the best new character does not. Welcome to Reddit, err, I mean AVClub.

You know how they say "everyone's got a blog in them" - sometimes, that's where it should stay.

Like LOL, tots bro.

O_o yes, go on… you have half a comment here… what do you think that means? What do you feel about what you think that means?

You can only admit that you totally almost cried on this site. We are into detached viewing and emotion sneaking up on us, like, only some of the time.

He is such an egomaniac. Did you hear him say "Oh I wanted to be on the show, just show up randomly in the background, then not have it explained or ever referenced…but, uh, there was a schedule conflict…" No, Sam, it wasn't a schedule conflict, it was a terrible, conceited idea that would ruin the realism of the

Give me a break, they'll be fine with it. People will love a good Jesse vs. Walt showdown and Jesse doing badass things. He is male. And yes, this is practically a scientific experiment. Show me one "FCUK YOU JESSE YOU ASSHOLE" post and I'll give you two blowjobs.

Oh because of the breakfast thing. I get it.

His name is Dave, not "Marie's therapist". Anyone who didn't yell DAAAAAAAAVVVVEEEEE the moment he appeared on screen doesn't deserve this show.

…. he already told Hank and Gomie about Lydia…. do you think this is going to be his genius plan, his moment of sudden clarity and revelation…? …..

…. he's going to have to explain his plan to Hank in about three seconds… do you think that is going to fly…? …..

It felt ominous that Jesse was sitting on a purple couch? O_o

She's still two miracles short of sainthood.

@avclub-9b3d616efffb52751fd968db82ece52a:disqus Welcome to America, land of the empathetic.