
Spin-offs can be prequels. This really upsets me that people are not feeling tense about Saul's possible death. I've seen this thought many times on here. It is bad thinking skills, and it harms your appreciation of the show. Come on, don't fuck up your viewing experience. It hurts me.

LOL! Distanced viewing is legitimate viewing! It's not like being connected and moral and concerned with human things is some kind of absolute! LOL

Yes, because when I see footage of Auschwitz I am overwhelmed with fascination about the brilliance of Hitler's plan. Seriously, anyone who was thinking "ownage" whilst that tape was playing does not watch shit correctly. You are not getting swept away by the evil, you are distancing yourself from the evil and

Apparently at least two people know what the hell he is talking about.

@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus Something tells me you haven't read the right books either! And yes, I am being an "asshole" - that's part of being a critic… you know, being imPOLite, going against the POLity… you need some conceptual clarity too brah!


@avclub-0f29370d9da664c1e143182f37301063:disqus You need to work on your conceptual clarity. I am not an moral absolutist, but I certainly am I point-and-shriek critic of Jews burning and the proletariat being fed to the rich. I think we are all morally compromised to a fantastic degree, as all of my above posts

@avclub-0f29370d9da664c1e143182f37301063:disqus Yeah, that's right. Capitalism is our society. If you want to be socially relevant, you better relate to our society.

@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus Ooh ad hominem! Fun! Perhaps the fact that I predicted this in my original post should give you pause. Perhaps I am quite aware of what I'm doing and how it will be perceived? Naaahh!

This is fun!

You failed to follow the explicit instructions I left in my note. "Grad school LOL" and "troll LOL" are not responses I am interested in. So please, fuck off.

You're damn fucking straight I have an axe to grind. It's called a standpoint, and one that I will argue for until I am convinced that it is shit. A piece of art is either critiquing capitalism in some manner, or it is socially irrelevant. Sure, films can be about more existential subjects, more timeless subjects, but

It could have been, yes, but I was trying to be as clear as possible. My attempts at elision usually lead to the type of ridicule that mentioned in my 'note' at the start. Funnily enough, I probably didn't need the note this time, since I went on ad nauseam.

The Holocaust is the ultimate test-case for social conformity gone wrong. How is it that normal German people could find it within themselves to live next to Auschwitz? This is the road Hollywood (and the rest of our culture) is taking us down. May seem extreme, and it is, but give or take a few nuclear blasts, a few

@Scrawler2:disqus Okay! Cool!

@Scrawler2:disqus Well, now we disagree, fun! I don't think there is a single good thing about going into a Starbucks or a Starbuckified bar. It is always an act of moral and political compromise, one that you occasionally have to make, but one that you should not rationalize. And the risk of bad coffee at a Mom and

Fair enough, thank you for the response, good point, but that is one shot in the movie vs. the entire thrust of the movie. It's not like there is an upside to all the bars being the same, or people being blanks, etc. But I am all for charitability, and that's a charitable reading. I think that if you take that reading

[ Note: If you don't like critical thinking, then FUCK RIGHT OFF and stop reading. I don't need people cleverly commenting about how I'm a troll, or a gimmick account, or how I must be in grad school LOL, or how they did just stop reading LOL, or how I'm totally a pretentious fuck who thinks he is smarter than he is,

I just watched Wet Hot American Summer for the first time last night and they made this joke. I think it's over.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus  you are rich. how does that make you feel?