
Did I read that correctly? This book is going to "redefine the novel"? O_o Choose your own adventure stories were a new concept too…

What's an endless eight?

I love the Dean saying "awesome" after that line because it is such a silly, fun comment on the Wire. Omar was awesome and said awesome things. Hehehe…I have an irrational love for that line.

Yeah, black people never do anything right.

"(Not that Elmore's death is any less sad.)" So, either you lied with your first statement, or you are quite literally saying nothing.

Ty Segall vs. White Fence vs. Thee Oh Sees - who wins and who am I leaving out?

I'm not copy and pasting, I have a memory of my own.

No. I'm making a point. My repetition mirrors the repetition of this site's members. And it makes you notice it. And it makes you mad. All pluses.

Walt came home from burying the money late at night. And he was probably at school during the Skyler-Marie-Holly scene. What's the mystery?

Yeah, niggers too, amirite? Seriously, please just die. That poor woman.

Worst part is that he's the oldest vampire we've yet encountered, AND a fairy, and he wasn't at all intimidating. Bill was pwning him.

@avclub-ede79a5ee534f274b5f109567e6c4722:disqus I don't know what's more fucked up, the improbable and ridiculous and non-human series of events, or the fact that you remember all this shit.

I liked the flash forward. And Sam being mayor both makes sense and seems like bad fan fiction.

Right, we've already established that feeding is a sexual thing… and I'm all for incest, but daughter-mother…. no thanks….

Ricin takes days. It's not a kill-yourself drug.

Let's count the mistakes:

For the same reason he couldn't leave it in the storage unit; both the van and the unit could possibly be traced. Come on bro, keep up.

What could possibly make you think they wouldn't stick the landing….? Do you just generate anxiety for yourself in order to have more opinions about the world?

Yes because the only way you can process disagreement is by saying it's something else.

No one has commented on Holly's pink outfit and how she is now the teddy bear, she is now the victim and having to endure living on the set of Jerry Springer.