
Good call. It could be like the end of Jumanji. Someone new finding the evil buried in the sand.

Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism dude, at least its an ethos.

Hank has an incredible amount of power over Jesse right now. Jesse knows nothing. Hank can tell Jesse that Walt has already been arrested, etc. Now the only question is how Hank will screw it up.

It was the first moment of the show that reminded me that this is trailer trash level familial dysfunction. Holly would be lucky to have Walt and Skyler be arrested and her sent to a foster home.

The cooking operation was transferred to Declan when Walt decided to get out. We all assumed it was Todd who kept cooking (which was half-right, since he started cooking for Declan, before Declan fired him). Declan was originally going to be receiving the meth from Walt, but Walt's (off-screen) deal to get out of the

Who doesn't usually like Marie…?

Walter a few seasons ago? What? She's Gus.

And sorta dumb. He's starting fires, kinda dull, etc. It's cute.


Which is hyper-realistic. He is going to make a mess out of everything, spin out of control, and all the while think he is doing the right thing. Like Walt.

Yes, and finally the Skyler haters can have some solid ground to hate on, she is finally becoming a true accessory to evil. But the ironic and beautiful thing is that now Skyler haters will start liking her. That bitch be evil yo.

This is the second episode in a row that Hank has underestimated what he is going against. He is fucking up. First with the GPS tracker on Walt's car, and now with not realizing how deep Skyler is intertwined and what that means for his attempts at turning her. This is very similar to Mike last season - an old pro

No, it was fine. Very fun, cool new direction for the show.

Eric isn't dead, relax. He was on fire and was on ice. That means his flames will melt the ice, meaning he will descend to the bottom of the ice, meaning he will be blocked from the sun. Relax everyone. Never mind, scratch that, don't relax, cheer that we finally got to see some dick.

The jar was there for tonal reasons. It's not going to be a piece of evidence.

You're not good at thinking, please stop. Hank had a panic attack immediately after the revelation about Walt. Panic attacks are momentary. He didn't want to go to the hospital, he went to the hospital to placate Marie. A few days passed before Walt visited him in the garage. He had a few days to collect himself,

You look like an asshole.

@avclub-344347984c66fdd944e8da2acbd44a21:disqus Not 'just' because of that, but that is a crucial element in her villain status. They are all pretty much villains, except maybe Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, etc. But yes, there are degrees of villain-hood, and I'm sure she's voted right on a few occasions.

That should have been at the top of the interview. And he should have never stopped pressing the issue. He had very little reason to not be a dick since the show would soon return to Jon Stewart's hands and the brand would be safe and they could still get political interviewees, b/c afterall, it was just that crazy

when they have other things they are already amazing at (like acting on Community), then yes. this is michael jordan playing  baseball, except he only made it into the little leagues and 13 year olds are striking him out.