
"director's cut" - he realizes this term comes from commercial productions that first had commercial cuts and are now being restored to something we'll call some semblance of the director's vision so we can make more money?

What are you, our new clever guy?

Visiter* is a perfect album.

She's a fantastic actress, she will have a strong career.

"Angel in the Snow" is his best non-sad, more pretty song. Wait, that one's kinda sad too. Fuck.

@avclub-500e75a036dc2d7d2fec5da1b71d36cc:disqus The reality show tropes are all over the place, with the most significant being the established tone of lowest common denominator antics. If an explosion happens, the characters are excited and mug for the camera! If something goes wrong, they are totally depressed, but

@drdarke:disqus No, Deborah didn't touch my points either, she simply spoke to the fact that the show is educational. EXACTLY. It is for children. You are an adult. No one has defended the corny jokes. No one has defended the commercial, lowest common denominator tone that the show establishes through the use of bad

@drdarke:disqus You still haven't responded to my criticisms. I give reasons for my opinion, therefore I don't think "I'm God". Here, I'll repeat them again: "Corny jokes, wacky graphics, bad music, reality television tropes everywhere, no in-depth discussion of the science…"

@drdarke:disqus It's a terrible show, get over it. You have not responded to the substance of my critique. Shall I repeat it? "Corny jokes, wacky graphics, bad music, reality television tropes everywhere, no in-depth discussion of the science…"

@Citric I made five unique and specific critiques of the show, reread my post. The puking is the emotive element. Any responses to the substance of my post? Probably not.

You should watch Gus-splosion again.

I am shocked at how good Sarah Michelle Gellar is. So goddamn charismatic. Her singing Macho Man sold me on her skillz.

hi yall. i'm watching buffy for the first time and am at the halloween episode in season 2. the show is really coming together. thoughts?

Hey, I've heard this "WOOOOORRRRRDDDDD COME OUT AND PPPPPLLLLAAAAYYYY" thing a few times in the last few days (some podcast and the Community paintball episode). Where is it from??? Was is its origin???

I do not use wacky graphics.

Did you lose the ability to absorb criticism without having to resort to "criticism is silly!"?

@InterplanetJanet:disqus You've yet to respond to my claim that the humor, editing, style, and whole demeanor of the show is nauseating. Anyone who can watch this without throwing up a bit in their mouthes should re-examine their life decisions. Your years with kids have ruined your adult brain. You are now officially

I watched this episode because of Breaking Bad. And yes, it's perfect for kids. Corny, silly shit to make learning palatable for those with minimal attention spans.

Wow. People actually watch this show? I wanted to puke at least 7 different times. Corny jokes, wacky graphics, bad music, reality television tropes everywhere, no in-depth discussion of the science… terrible.

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus My paragraph breaks are fine.