
No, I used my terms correctly, and am right, so therefore I'm not pretentious. You might have to be educated yourself to see the difference and to notice who is doing shit right. BRO.

I don't have the energy to defend Patrice today, but that is glorious material. Calling his girlfriend and her ideas "goofy" after venting his sadness-inducing hate - it's heartwarming. He's a good, sweet guy underneath all the release of his too-shitty-to-imagine social situation.

I really have no idea what you mean by that and you've received some 'likes' and the tone of my post is smarmy and smug and too-smart-for-the-room, so the fact that I don't get it means that you've won. You beat me. Gratz bro.

Setting up a false problem to make yourself look like a hero for solving it. This wouldn't happen at the AV Club. These are good writers. Please.

But you have time to comment about how you don't have time?

Shoot me now.

You should read more.

Why don't you just state your thesis in the beginning? It's not like we didn't know you were going to say "it's both!"

Just press 'Like' please.

Shouldn't you be asking how vampires and werewolves and fairies are possible?

I thought we all agreed that we haven't cared about this character for seasons?

So, we got a flashback to Undertaker Ghost Warlow this episode, and later on Sookie wonders where Niles is…. someone finish putting these things together for me, because I know they are connected. In an episode of all set-up, this was the only interesting set-up.

This show no longer gives a fuck about structure. The opening scene is just a scene. Most shows make them teasers, or mini movies, or something self-enclosed. Here, it's just plot machination and where we left off last week. Also, what happened to the holy-fuck-endings? Lazy shitbag writers.

The only good part you mean.

I had to keep refreshing Google News throughout this episode to see if the world had taken notice that this was the shittiest episode of television ever produced. And I am a huge defender of late-era True Blood. Absolutely nothing happened besides a few pro wrestling matches, interspersed with plot machinations that

Can someone explain Doctor Who to me? Is it a campy sci-fi soap opera that has been going on forever? Is that what it is? I only know Inspector Spacetime.

Are you kidding me? I obsessively check my comments to see if the masses approve. You think the need for recognition stops once you graduate from YouTube? Look deeper into your soul bro.

@disqus_SHv8DoYfkF:disqus It ain't that funny.

But the funny stuff is mostly dramatic. And the dramatic stuff isn't always funny. Okay, it's a dramedy, why am I parsing this. Wait, that's it, it's a dramedy and not a crama. See, we did it together. My point stands.

Isn't Louie more drama than comedy? But, yeah, I agree, fuck P&R, that shit is old and over.