
Also, I love when he starts with a good "Tonight!" Almost as good as when he sneaks in a "in here, out there".

Compared to Jon Stewart's schmaltzy mugging for the camera that he has descended into, he is 6000% better. And no other hosts, besides the now mostly bored and tired Conan, can really be called a "performer".

Anyone else notice that Colbert has been on top of his game since his mother died? I wait every night to see that primordial joy radiating out of him at the top of the show.

Her album 'Taste This' is fucking hilarious. Such an amazing stand-up. Her show and personality and sitcoms… not so much.

Suburbs is their best. And I loved Funeral and listened to it first.

Easily the most aesthetic video game series ever. Stuff like Metal Gear Solid, with the cut scenes and the stories, are trying to be movie-like. GTA is aesthetic by being video game-like.

Riiiight. I could give two shits about loud contingencies hating the end, what matters is the work. See The Sopranos. It ended perfectly.

No shit man, I'm well-aware. Get to a psychiatrist and stop taking it out on women in general. My condolences.

Yeah, it's pretty much the least charming thing in the world to tell your listening audience, "you know, you guys are kind of assholes for listening to me", but I don't find it too hard to just take this as Elliott being ridiculous and silly. I just feel "aww Elliott, how can someone hate himself that much?"

Yeah, he is Walter White in many ways. People don't understand that liberals are capitalist fuckjobs too. That's where the term liberal comes from - liberty from the aristocracy to make tons of piles of bourgeois cash. Ya know, freedom.

So she was a human and not perfect and "shrill". Does that mean you can no longer empathize with her once she begins to be slowly tortured by a power mad asshole holding her and her family prisoner? Because if that is so, I really want to know what your mother did to you.

My Mom likes it, my Mom likes it!!! And she is not a hip Mom at all, she is sweet and innocent and the nicest lady ever!!!

Very interesting post. I agree that all of his lyrics are not perfect, some are overly sentimental and cloying and too on-the-nose depressing. They make me cringe. I also am pretty much over Elliott - I listened to him and only him for two years straight, in my early turbulent 20s, after a personal tragedy. I don't

I have a version of Angel in the Snow that is 2:55 long, is that what you are talking about? It's not that lo-fi, in my opinion, but maybe you have a different version than me, and so maybe I'll have to beg you to send me a copy?

Bah, I forgot about Abused. That is the best, prettiest one.

I've never been too bothered by the lack of lyrics in "See You In Heaven" because of that goddamn guitar solo.

You know, normal…. white… male…. a chorus… you know, normal….

Let's have an unreleased Elliott Smith song competition.

Whatever else he has going for him, I fully support all nude shower scenes.

Thank you for the confirmation.