
Did anyone else stop watching last season? Serious decline in quality. And I did not find that wedding thing to be good at all. Am I the only one?

Yeah, I prefer American Idol singers. Straight down the middle, just like I like it.

I refused to go to the solo show for this reason. But this one will be a rock band playing loudly, so that will be avoided, right? And it's not his first tour in forever, so that's another reason that will be avoided, right? RIGHT? Someone calm my nerves, please.

Rich white famous people playin' the blues. Joke contest!!! Go.

I've been waiting for the nadir of American culture. Here it is. We're here. Humiliation as sport.

@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus I didn't know evil was compelling.

"older white men giving masturbatory speeches that will solve the world's problems through the sheer force of "rightness"" -Flag on the Moon, AV Club, July 31 2013

"older white men giving masturbatory speeches that will solve the world's problems through the sheer force of "rightness""

You can form complete sentences and spell things right and you watch the Newsroom? Please kill yourself. You're ruining America.

This show would NEVER be just easy enough on conservatives to lure Middle American viewers into thinking there is a semi-actual debate going on between the two sides. That's preposterous! That would be damaging to political discourse in this country! Come on!

Wow. I've only seen the show in the background at my parents house, but that description of the lefty and righty judges agreeing and another character being abashed and Learning… that's just, wow. You could explain the entirety of our fucked up political system by the fact that my middle America father would get a

The word 'modernity' comes from the Latin word 'modus', meaning 'movement'. The speeding up of shit is what capitalism is all about. So, yeah, you are right.

@avclub-dd32eeb1df15b3d64c21fbda058f0597:disqus I would argue that Enlightened is playing off the anti-hero thing and bringing it down to Earth with a female anti-hero. But that is pushing the definition a bit, since Amy Jellicoe is more just a regular, fucked up person than an anti-hero. Actually, I think there would

And we're all done with anti-heroes right? I'm so over it. Breaking Bad won, it can't be done better, get on with it, we want new stories.

Man, they were my introduction to indie music. I was a super fan. They were everything to me. How fucking embarrassing.

You are eloquent, but I still don't agree. There is tension in finding out whether he will do a power dunk or windmill dunk or a fake out fade away jump shot, but there is no tension in whether the ball will go in the hoop. This isn't a tie game scenario, with seconds left on the clock. This is a 120-10 game, where

But what you said is true, it does have improper grammar. And as you said, it is kinda a lame joke. Mix those two together and you have my response.

Uhhh, it's a colloquial term. There doesn't have to be good grammar with those thangs.

I'm not worried in the slightest that Vince Gilligan and the team will make a single misstep…. what does this guy have to do to make you trust him? For realsies.

Could you expand on this thought please? What's the trail he has left? What do you think Hank will start investigating first?