
You made a joke about breakfast. You lose.

@avclub-9621bf642a356f5698546a5902246d4f:disqus  I've already broke my rule about not responding once the replies are no longer 'nesting'/'embedding', but here is one last response.
1. "If all the improv you've seen is astoundingly good.." okay, I think even you know that I won't agree with that if-clause.

Did you listen to my argument at all? Did you note the type of flashbacks I am okay with? I was quite clear. It's called having an aesthetic standpoint. I don't just gobble up whatever is accepted practice in filmmaking. And this demonstrates I have no attention span? You sir are a conformist fuckjob.

He was probably drunk. Seriously, the guy is a drunk. See YouTube footage of clearly sloppy-drunk interviews.

@avclub-9621bf642a356f5698546a5902246d4f:disqus  No, I just have never seen good improv. And I've watched improv's darling show Whose Line a good many times. It makes me smile sometimes? I even watched Stephen Colbert on it, and I'm a big fan. Still, nothing but a "heh".
But I don't deny that there is an art to it and

Thank you for noticing the hilariously irrational relationship that I have with nonlinear storytelling. I was kinda going for that, but people refused to reply to the content of my post. My complaint was quite specific and quite unfair and quite weird and quite sincere, but that's the way this aesthetic shit is

It always ruins the pacing. That's my point. It takes you out of the story unless it is done by a fucking pro. Doing a flashback right is like getting a grand slam five times in one baseball game. It is too hard, people shouldn't even attempt it.

This meme. People have done this to quite a few of my comments. Is it an insult or a compliment? I know it's a joke, but is it at my expense or does that depend on the situation?

That sounds stupid though. What about just Backstreet, or is that too abortion-y?

I can't wait until Hitler's corpse releases an album. That will be the apotheosis of LoveWaffle.

Are you serious? I honestly have no recollection of this. I remember Abu Nazir dying. But they killed a VP??? (I swear I just watched this like 3 months ago.) How??? What????

This is a beautiful new gimmick account. Can I expect the writing to be this top-notch every time, or will you eventually get bored?


You know that season two episode where Mandy Patinkin has an important SD card in a briefcase handcuffed to him, and then the foreign authorities stop him at the airport, and take the card? Then Mandy Patinkin reveals that it was a fake SD card, and the real one is hidden elsewhere in the same briefcase? That was

Improv is the easiest form of comedy, but yes, it has its difficulties, I'm sure. It's just that people think it's the hardest because "omg, they are totally doing this on the spot!" There is a template, you just have to be open and present and a 'funny' person. Everything else, from sketch writing, to sitcom writing,

Good point on them "not breaking". The easiest humor ever is to do something, and then make it extra funny by continuing to do it. Fuck I hate that. Harmontown is guilty as well. Easiest comedic well ever.

God, @avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus , you're right, caring about our culture is a silly thing, you've convinced me. What channel are those Kardashians on? I'm ready now.

That's speculation.

You keep having fun at parties, and I'll keep saving our culture from decline, and we'll see who God picks as his favorite.

That's a perfect example of the terribleness of this show. It is just a giant jerk off for liberals. "Whoa, a Muslim who is open and profane about his homosexuality!" It's about subverting shallow expectations, then congratulating yourself that you are cool with the subversion, because "hey Muslims are just like us."