
I guarantee they will not do the heavily implied death of Walt, but not show it. That was already done with The Sopranos. Not a chance in hell they will go down that well. This show is great at being self-conscious of decisions that other shows make - it knows its place in history and will seek an original ending that

Of course The Sopranos ending was fantastic, you are not a philistine. I don't know what that guy is talking about. In the circles I run in, you either have the right opinion about that ending, or you get the fuck out.

Mind numbing poverty that you can't escape seems a pretty good motivation. Really, is it that hard to imagine?

You think we are going to find out more about Gus…? Don't get your hopes up. Those sorts of mysteries are meant to be mysteries… They are character mysteries, not plot mysteries… you don't tie up character mysteries…

There will be some sadness, but I am more excited for it to be complete. Once it's complete, you can hang it on the wall and start talking seriously about what everything means and how good it really is.

THEN WHY WON'T THE AV CLUB STOP. It's so fucking boring.

Admitting that you're a fucktard doesn't make it okay. Fucking irony, laziest shit ever.

You didn't once say why you think he is a tool. Other people like him too much? That can't be it. I know you have reasons, so please, say them, and have some content to your post.

Actors speaking without a script. It is terrible. Most especially if they are playing for an audience.

I'm at a 7 today.

You're the person dirty enough to click on a link of seeing actors standing around outside a premiere, so you deserve the dirty ads. I got this opinion by clicking myself, then feeling utter disgust. Also, what the fuck is AVClub's problem? Why in the fuck would they post this?

Is there anything more insufferable than hearing actors speak without a script? I… can't even… it's too fucking much. Silly mugging, goofiness, ridiculousness played as humor, bad jokes… I can't stand it.

@avclub-a80a102f5fd0c38c133fb236d40facfe:disqus I try to not actually respond to the content of people's posts, I just take a sniff and respond to the general air. This way, people can fairly say "he doesn't get what I was actually trying to say" and avoid the consequences of my usually-too-negative-and-harsh posts.

I will never forgive Pitchfork for that rating. This is surely what made him double down on his rapping career. How could you do anything else?

You don't like black people, do you?

I think you are confusing 'subtle and mature' with 'thin'.

Feminists should love Lars. In fact, I can think of no better test to see if someone has the subtlety of mind necessary for art than being a feminist and seeing a Lars movie in a positive light.

Well if I knew you were going to agree I would have said it nicer.

He abused his status as a person with a cleft palate. He was being a scumfuck. Yes.

I disagree with you. I think it is a travesty that the word 'picky' is derogative. Being picky is a good thing. This social current comes from the same place as rich dudes drinking Bud Light, because, hey, they are regular people too. Rich people used to feel bad about their wealth and build opera houses and museums