
Don't say that please.

No, I saw the Master, that's how I got over him. I'm sick of "everyone is a human, even evil humans." It's tired and cliche and boring. Where are the good guys? Represent a good guy and don't make me puke and then you'll have a good movie. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to revisiting it at some point, but

I was a bit reluctant to click, since I'm finally over my PTA-Is-Everything stage, but damn, my eyes were bulging out of my head at this delicious shit.

He was speaking from first hand experience in a problematic way, so yes indeed, he was being a scumfuck in my book.

Seeing as I'm the only one being a human in this thread, I forgive myself.

People who are different than you, more sensitive to the social hieroglyph that is each shitty Hollywood movie, etc.

Seeing that you are typing on this website and therefore likely living in the developed world, it is highly likely you have received surgery to fix your disfigurement. Do you really want to put yourself in the position of speaking for everyone with a cleft palate?

You choose not to bathe, people with cleft palates don't get a choice, i.e. the analogy doesn't hold, i.e. you're a smarmy fuck who thought he was clever and above P.C. bullshit. I hate people who think they are above P.C. bullshit. Being politically correct is a synonym for being on the cutting edge of politeness.

You just inadvertently coined a beautiful new nickname for him.

Wow, are all lyricists/poets this bad at writing prose? I've never heard anything more self-important in my life.

You're a writer on the show, aren't you?

Read a book dude. It's a great word. Better than autonomy.

It's a comedy bro, relax.

I love how Arlene just accepts Terry's death. How about running back into the bar and frantically asking, "is there a vampire in the house?!?" Or calling a fucking ambulance and continuing to apply pressure to the wound? Hahaha, good times.

Read my post again. I was sufficiently respectful of her struggle. I still think she makes shitty music now. The first two EPs are incredible, the first three albums are pretty damn good. Perhaps her breakthrough on her struggle with gender has made her a shitty artist. I don't think you can dismiss that possibility a

Where do you think good writing comes from? Being a good, practical businessman who keeps the ship afloat? Or being a fucked up alcoholic? These fucking douchebag corporate types need to learn how to put up with artists - just throw some of those massive profits at the problem, have a reserve of money set up that you

I think it's sort of aesthetically repugnant to play it up like they have. Transgender Dysphoria Blues is your album title because you feel blue about your transgender dysphoria? A little on the nose, right? I mean, it could possibly work… but being that on the nose means the record has to be really fucking good. And

Yeah, but they are advertisements. Try making an advertisement that doesn't look douche-y. I mean it's an ad. It has to lie and be bullshit-y. I believe the technical term for it is 'puffery'.

Yeah, you're right, Jesse does kill Todd, who is the Rabid Dog. That's what the picture suggests with Jesse pointing the gun at the camera - he is going to make the same type of Evil Change/Breaking Bad move that Walt made in the pilot - i.e. he is going to finally kill someone out of non-necessity. He is going to

Fuck this dumb video. They shouldn't have shot it in a filmic manner. It makes the screaming seem like acting. DO A ONE SHOT. LIKE A DOCUMENTARY. That's more effective, especially for non-dumbasses.