
Which is fucked up. You never mentioned that. What kind of society do you want to live in?

Well they certainly are straight until someone says otherwise! Don't people know that to be truly gay, someone has to make it official and say something about it directly.

Murder is also a job creator. Someone has to pay those detectives, and those temp workers who take over for the victim's family members who take time off from work from the grief caused.

AV Club should stop serving it.

Too soon! This is a James Gandolfini thread right?

Indeed, there are gradations. It is still highly inappropriate and damaging to the teenager though.

better than the bryan cranston one too.

Hate crime laws deal with "cultural attitudes", while murder laws do not? You realize that nearly all ancient civilizations sacrificed newborn babies and placed them under the foundations of their buildings? It's all cultural, sweet naive innocent one. That's where objectivity comes from. Hegel bro, he's part of the

Who said they must be gay? The cover is an image. It is a possibility. It is an idea. Relax.

Some artists spend their entire life painting the same thing over and over again. They are trying to get something right. Monet, waterlillies, etc.

I think he is more oblivious to the social status of music. He doesn't know or care what is cliche. I say this because he seems rather knowledgeable about classical music. See Curb episode 'Trick or Treat'.

@ElDan Yeah, he is pulling a Steve Martin with his aging techniques.

You should check out some Pew polls.

who wants to bet aaron left his t.v. playing last night and when he hit peak r.e.m. the seinfeld episode titled 'the van buren boys' just happened to be playing. now he goes and creates this hack, cliche material.

I agree, especially when you note that ironic/satiric/critical intent does not matter. But I dare you to not watch the final 8 episodes of Breaking Bad, or whatever other guilty pleasure you indulge. We are from this terrible society. It has shaped us to our core. We are all now of the sexual orientation that finds

Perfect summation of the show and people's fucked up response to it. Enlightened exposes the deepest of all cognitive biases us humans have, which is that we think the present is eternal. Of course, this bias is worse now more than ever, late-era capitalism and all. But, this entire fucked system of ours, where people

Eh, not quite that good. The guy playing the journalist is a fucking shitty actor. No one is shitty on Breaking Bad. But then again, this is a much more mature show, very much made for adults, with absolutely no cross-over appeal for the 'explosions and tits' crowd. So I like that part A LOT.

Yes, I loved the swanky party for the leftists. The hypocrisy is mind-numbing. Rich, successful people patting themselves on the back for how good of people they are, whilst being surrounded by vomit-inducing excess and materialism.

All of your responses have one +1 like. Shouldn't you get like three accounts and make yourself super popular?

And the person she is meeting with is a hot white lady who previously worked upstairs. The troll's complaint might make sense if this was Tyler meeting with Szidon.