
Yesssss, thank you for seeing the conflict here. One of these reviews was talking about how Eileen is the opposite of Amy and just a really swell gal. Sure, we see that. But she is also morally culpable for all the nasty shit Szidon is doing. No one gets this! In everyone's calculations of the show, they forget the

Us careful viewers know all about Amy's intellectual disability. We like her for being too good. Has anyone ever described you that way 'vicksisamonster'? Too good? Are you too good of a person?

Yes, yes, yes, this is exactly what would happen in the real world. Breathe it in! This is why Amy is nuts. That's the problem with psychiatry today: people come in from a shitty world that made them neurotic and the psychiatrists try to reconcile the people to their neuroses, and thus to the shitty world. How fucking

Yes, I felt that way too. I think you can find the entirety of the tension of the show within that scene. Because Amy telling Krista was really goddamn good of Amy. What a good fucking person. She is pushed into retardation by her goodness. DON'T PEOPLE GET IT. AHHHHHHH.

1. Amy saw a picture of Noam Chomsky and didn't know who it was, yet she is a super lefty. The show VERY MUCH KNOWS SHE IS AN IDIOT. Fuck. Okay, calming down. You actually were pretty okay on that point.

That's a really stupid idea, so you're probably right.

Don't you get it yet? We are now all openly hostile towards this shitty show, and totally chill with it. Ya gotta be a mudder to survive! A pretty shitty start to the season is just what I've been waiting for all summer.

Really? That line seemed like an Internet comment, not something a human would say.

I would never watch a shit fest like this, so I sort of enjoy knowing that these types of movies still follow the same shitty beats. Refreshing to see the decay of others.

Great scene!

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus Awww, the Simon guys account is no longer bold, or whatever it is that indicates that his thread responses are from a person working at AVClub. That makes me sad. But he did write terrible reviews. Too bad.

If you're going to have a series long secret, it has to be something like "Who is Jon Snow's mother?" If the secret is the main machination of the plot, you are absolutely fucked. You want secrets and mysteries to be BACKGROUND material. This is the great improvement of Breaking Bad over Lost. They took Lost-ian

Really? Was the guy fired? Because phoning it in at a job like this… wow.

Homeland started getting bad immediately, and even the first few episodes, where the show was at its best, look worse upon going back. Like, remember the ending of the pilot (or maybe episode 2?) where the episodes final beat is: "Muslim terrorists secretly buying a new house for nefarious purposes, but the shot looks


Don't try to obfuscate the difference between struggling against compromise and compromise.

I was parodying extremism in order to effectively express my sincere extremism. For real. The mistake with Poe's Law is to assume that there is some sort of contradiction between being a parody and being sincerely kooky. I am both making fun of society, but yes, I am also in society, so the elements that I make fun of

I'm only excusing them to the point of NOT LOSING THEIR ART MAKING JOB. They fired him….

It is like rape. Not everyone is like you. Some people are alcoholic artists that can't make meaningful connections with others and instead sublimate that energy into artistic works, thus making their works more like a human to them than real humans, thus making the liveliness and playfulness of the spirit of the show

It wasn't a rape joke. It was using rape as a tonal element in a half-jokey story that was expressing his feelings. I say half-jokey because this guy's life really is empty enough that the show Community was the most important thing to him, similar to what a family is for others. God, artists are such weirdoes! Let's