
@avclub-63706c2231765ca840e9a60a76fae00a:disqus You give two counter examples when I specifically said "most of the time". What, do you now want me to talk about Kenneth Longergan? Good artists are mostly from the baddest parts of the bad dialectic. Jerry Seinfeld aside, artists are crazy.

@Greyhound Employed artist is a synonym for bad artist, most of the time. Harmon getting fired in the first place was the extra-aesthetic evidence one can usually only dream of that he was something special.

The same excuse as the NBC executives, thus making my point.

Those are called 'bad artists'.

I wish I could explain why this made me cry so hard.

You are all the biggest hypocrites. You come to this website as fans of art, in order to know more about art. Then, when you start learning about art, such as acquiring the knowledge that artists have an irrational connection with their art, much like a parent to their child, you can't help but notice that 'the bosses

They did rape his family, asshat.

I thought he communicated the emotion perfectly.

WHAT? He's a fucking artist. You don't want him to care this much about his art? WHAT??? WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT…

I always thought Breaking Bad's frequent use of bald men was tonally interesting and thematically bewildering. Is it meant to make the comment that the essence of the show's mid-life-crisis-turned-nightmare thing is a male phenomena? Is it just an abstract aligning of a neutrally conceived element to give the piece a

god, doing shows for years really sucks the soul out of a person. i think it's the constant schedule. conan has the same thing. they are both just old and tired.

This is right, except for the part where you single out John Oliver as being different. He follows Stewart with his "cracking up over his own joke, because damn this is good material, and hey I'm just a regular guy" schtick. And also, I don't really want to see John Oliver smile, ever. He is best being acerbic. STOP


To respond to your last point first, Hezbollah also does charity work.

Everything dialectically interpenetrates everything else, nub fuck. This all matters. Spielberg giving a handy to America in the backseat matters. Try to talk about the Iranian nuclear situation without talking about Two and a Half Men, I fucking dare you!!!!

Advertising created in America. Hitler steals advertising techniques, brings to Germany. Social conformity is engine of Holocaust. As capitalism advances, the distance between advertising and film becomes less wide. So, now film acts as advertising for social conformity. So, now the social power of a society who likes


You fuckin noobs with your childhood love for big blockbuster shitfests. How could Spielberg and Lucas be your heroes? For real bro? Even that nub Paul Thomas Anderson is in love with Spielberg.

I think it's a sign of being comically out-of-touch to know what the number one song in the country is. Do you really equate 'being-in-touch' with appreciating what middle schoolers appreciate, and what the music industry wants you to appreciate?

John Oliver: always funny, until last night when he decided to take over Jon Stewart's "this material is so funny, I'm sorry guys, but I just have to crack up, what can I say, I'm just a regular guy like you" schtick.