
@Graphite I was expanding on your tongue in cheek idea, saying he should shoot up the workplace. The idea is that he goes nuts and shoots random people at Grey Matter, making his way to the head office. And that seems like it's not a bad place for a show to go, especially since they are trying to take us as deep into

Mike made a mistake when he was portrayed as very capable. Ever think the writers may have wanted that to occur? They do write the show after all.

Mike made a mistake when he was portrayed as very capable. Ever think the writers may have wanted that to occur? They do write the show after all.

O_o    that's a really good thought. Walt turning into a 'shoot up the workplace' type nutjob, going back to Gray Matter HQ's in the final episode….

O_o    that's a really good thought. Walt turning into a 'shoot up the workplace' type nutjob, going back to Gray Matter HQ's in the final episode….

Right, she was a no-fun authority figure. Which, looking back on things, seems like a pretty healthy, intelligent move on her part…. look where Walter's fun has gotten him……… ……  ……….  …….

Right, she was a no-fun authority figure. Which, looking back on things, seems like a pretty healthy, intelligent move on her part…. look where Walter's fun has gotten him……… ……  ……….  …….

Skyler doesn't have power. That's all you need to know. If you're picking on the person without power, then there might be a problem.

Skyler doesn't have power. That's all you need to know. If you're picking on the person without power, then there might be a problem.

Who the fuck cares if you "root" for Walt? Just watch the fucking show. I don't even know what you mean. You have empathy for people and you recognize their mistakes and you follow their story. Where the fuck does "rooting" for someone come in? I'm lost. You people are weird.

Who the fuck cares if you "root" for Walt? Just watch the fucking show. I don't even know what you mean. You have empathy for people and you recognize their mistakes and you follow their story. Where the fuck does "rooting" for someone come in? I'm lost. You people are weird.

@avclub-9b972ab65a176d0a3aabf71ea0c01ffc:disqus But if your theory is right, then the most likely thing to happen is that it would go down like Scarface. If the Scarface ending is not likely, and they are good at misdirection, then the Scarface ending is what will happen. See the problem with your theory? The show is

@avclub-9b972ab65a176d0a3aabf71ea0c01ffc:disqus But if your theory is right, then the most likely thing to happen is that it would go down like Scarface. If the Scarface ending is not likely, and they are good at misdirection, then the Scarface ending is what will happen. See the problem with your theory? The show is

You related to Walt's decision to manufacture and sell meth? *gulp*

You related to Walt's decision to manufacture and sell meth? *gulp*

Once again, a person complaining about the show and getting basic shit wrong. Alcide didn't build any fences….

Once again, a person complaining about the show and getting basic shit wrong. Alcide didn't build any fences….

You're assuming things… how is that fair to the writers? They created this world of magic. It's fucking magic. The rules are arbitrary and fake. You can't get caught up on shit like this…. you're terrible at watching drama. Turn back to sports, please.

You're assuming things… how is that fair to the writers? They created this world of magic. It's fucking magic. The rules are arbitrary and fake. You can't get caught up on shit like this…. you're terrible at watching drama. Turn back to sports, please.

Thank you for saying this. I don't understand the "I can't sympathize with Walt anymore" argument AT ALL.