
Thank you for saying this. I don't understand the "I can't sympathize with Walt anymore" argument AT ALL.

Uhhh every season is better than the next…. I want to get friends into Breaking Bad, but I feel bad for making them suffer through those first few seasons. That shit is small time drama. We are now big time.

Uhhh every season is better than the next…. I want to get friends into Breaking Bad, but I feel bad for making them suffer through those first few seasons. That shit is small time drama. We are now big time.

Well sure it's still about Walt. Todd is a mini-Walt and would be a much much better partner than Jesse. Jesse has feelings and shit still, which is like totally annoying for Walt.

Well sure it's still about Walt. Todd is a mini-Walt and would be a much much better partner than Jesse. Jesse has feelings and shit still, which is like totally annoying for Walt.

Both of which are completely legit reasons. This is a cartoon people. There are vampires. It's superhero campy pulp shit. Some people are REALLY HARD on dumb fun shit.

Both of which are completely legit reasons. This is a cartoon people. There are vampires. It's superhero campy pulp shit. Some people are REALLY HARD on dumb fun shit.

His line about wanting to date someone "you know, of the same species" was what some might call "really fucking good comedy".

His line about wanting to date someone "you know, of the same species" was what some might call "really fucking good comedy".

Thanks, I agree. One of the best seasons, one of the best episodes. Absolutely hilarious. I cry laughing each week at one or two things.

Thanks, I agree. One of the best seasons, one of the best episodes. Absolutely hilarious. I cry laughing each week at one or two things.

uhhhh…..in wars, eventually you have to visit the enemy and show trust by not coming in with backup…. this is totally a staple of every war movie ever….. what the fuck kind of dumbass complaint is that? the General was a goddamn badass.

uhhhh…..in wars, eventually you have to visit the enemy and show trust by not coming in with backup…. this is totally a staple of every war movie ever….. what the fuck kind of dumbass complaint is that? the General was a goddamn badass.

I think they are supposed to be twee and kinda childlike and weird… they are not humans…. I repeat they are not humans…. the Elder shouldn't be "cool" to humans and come off like Eric the badass vampire…. they are weirdos…. "bad actors" is one way to put it I suppose. But that means you aren't being generous. And that

I think they are supposed to be twee and kinda childlike and weird… they are not humans…. I repeat they are not humans…. the Elder shouldn't be "cool" to humans and come off like Eric the badass vampire…. they are weirdos…. "bad actors" is one way to put it I suppose. But that means you aren't being generous. And that

No shit. That was abundantly clear. This reviewer is absolutely not paying attention to anything. Oh yeah, and the bigger thing you missed about this episode Mr. Reviewer, is that it was indeed incredible. I totally bought the fairy elder and thought she would pwn Russell (remember, Russell was surprised by her

No shit. That was abundantly clear. This reviewer is absolutely not paying attention to anything. Oh yeah, and the bigger thing you missed about this episode Mr. Reviewer, is that it was indeed incredible. I totally bought the fairy elder and thought she would pwn Russell (remember, Russell was surprised by her

@Dr_John_Zoidberg:disqus I have to respond to you, Dr. Zoidberg. What are you talking about "season 2 level of rooting for Walt"? You rooted for Walt then and didn't feel moral complications in that? What? He's made terribly immoral decisions from the start of this series. Sure, it's progressed, but… he was pretty

@Dr_John_Zoidberg:disqus I have to respond to you, Dr. Zoidberg. What are you talking about "season 2 level of rooting for Walt"? You rooted for Walt then and didn't feel moral complications in that? What? He's made terribly immoral decisions from the start of this series. Sure, it's progressed, but… he was pretty

Ahhh I think the scene that came before it was the series pinnacle. And I was like "Fuck this is nuts that the fulcrum of the entire series has a intensely comedic and awkward scene right next to it." I've never understood Walt's actions more than after his Gray Matter speech. I feel like I really get his 'man of