
Marie still has the best moment of the entire series so far. Last season, Crawlspace episode. "Skylar, it's happening again." Fuck Walt's cackle and that very famous ending shot. The telephone ringing and her on the other line is by far more scary.

Marie still has the best moment of the entire series so far. Last season, Crawlspace episode. "Skylar, it's happening again." Fuck Walt's cackle and that very famous ending shot. The telephone ringing and her on the other line is by far more scary.

YES. You are a very adept viewer, because that beat was DEFINITELY hit on for a few tense moments. I absolutely thought Jesse was devastated because he just realized Walt did it all. But, then the beat changed and Jesse revealed the true reason for his horrified reaction. And then, somehow, you didn't pick up on that

YES. You are a very adept viewer, because that beat was DEFINITELY hit on for a few tense moments. I absolutely thought Jesse was devastated because he just realized Walt did it all. But, then the beat changed and Jesse revealed the true reason for his horrified reaction. And then, somehow, you didn't pick up on that

Ugh. You are like those people who wanted The Sopranos to answer the question of "Whatever happened to the Russian?!?!" Some things need to be dropped and Grey Matter is one of them. (One of my favorite episodes though.)

Ugh. You are like those people who wanted The Sopranos to answer the question of "Whatever happened to the Russian?!?!" Some things need to be dropped and Grey Matter is one of them. (One of my favorite episodes though.)

Yeah you seriously overestimate the amount of intelligence needed to listen to the Doors. It's not even a stereotypically "smart" person's band anymore. They are stoner rock. Old person alert!!!!

Yeah you seriously overestimate the amount of intelligence needed to listen to the Doors. It's not even a stereotypically "smart" person's band anymore. They are stoner rock. Old person alert!!!!

When I saw that this episode was titled Madrigal, I immediately dreamed that they would open with a scene at the corporation and then stay there the whole story. I don't know why, but I thought that would just blow the whole story wide open and a TV show has never done anything like that for an episode.

When I saw that this episode was titled Madrigal, I immediately dreamed that they would open with a scene at the corporation and then stay there the whole story. I don't know why, but I thought that would just blow the whole story wide open and a TV show has never done anything like that for an episode.

What I got from the tricycle: it's evidence in a case that will be destroyed - maybe the death of a kid? So it just shows that Walt probably ruined the investigation of some hit and run on a kid. It's mean to screw with police investigations. They are doing good work. God, Walt, you are a meanie.

What I got from the tricycle: it's evidence in a case that will be destroyed - maybe the death of a kid? So it just shows that Walt probably ruined the investigation of some hit and run on a kid. It's mean to screw with police investigations. They are doing good work. God, Walt, you are a meanie.

Have you ever seen an international conspiracy story done well? I haven't. I want them to make this show as BIG as possible. The ending of last season (you know the part that fans were divided on if it was too campy?) was not quite big enough. Keep going Vince.

Have you ever seen an international conspiracy story done well? I haven't. I want them to make this show as BIG as possible. The ending of last season (you know the part that fans were divided on if it was too campy?) was not quite big enough. Keep going Vince.

You didn't just say that Walt Jr. is on meth. No you fucking didn't. I'm speechless. You win man. You win.

You didn't just say that Walt Jr. is on meth. No you fucking didn't. I'm speechless. You win man. You win.

Man, no one sees what's happening with Skylar. Last episodes review completely mischaracterized the last beat of the episode (which was the IDENTICAL beat as this episode's ending).

Man, no one sees what's happening with Skylar. Last episodes review completely mischaracterized the last beat of the episode (which was the IDENTICAL beat as this episode's ending).

You're like a dude complaining about bunk weed. It's fuckin weed man. It gets you high. Relax and smoke up, don't smoke then fight the high…. you're nuts!

You're like a dude complaining about bunk weed. It's fuckin weed man. It gets you high. Relax and smoke up, don't smoke then fight the high…. you're nuts!