
He's a real sidler.

He's a real sidler.

Yeah she was incredibly awkward up there, hahahaha. That was bad. It was funny. I loved it. Life is good.

Yeah she was incredibly awkward up there, hahahaha. That was bad. It was funny. I loved it. Life is good.

Another great moment is when Pam tells Tara to "get back on that pole". Hahahahahahhaa. BEST COMEDY SERIES ON TELEVISION. (Louie is a drama.)

Another great moment is when Pam tells Tara to "get back on that pole". Hahahahahahhaa. BEST COMEDY SERIES ON TELEVISION. (Louie is a drama.)

Loosen up man. Life's more fun that way.

Loosen up man. Life's more fun that way.

Yes, this is what I thought as well. Hoyt's a good dude. These guys don't cut the writer's any slack. They've got their "critics brain" on instead of being a well-trained aesthetic athlete. You're supposed to be as generous as possible, not just presume you know why every move the writers make is stupid.

Yes, this is what I thought as well. Hoyt's a good dude. These guys don't cut the writer's any slack. They've got their "critics brain" on instead of being a well-trained aesthetic athlete. You're supposed to be as generous as possible, not just presume you know why every move the writers make is stupid.

Yes, you are right. I got that immediately and laughed out loud. It was a fantastic line. AVClub commenters are all going to hell for criticizing this masterpiece of an episode.

Yes, you are right. I got that immediately and laughed out loud. It was a fantastic line. AVClub commenters are all going to hell for criticizing this masterpiece of an episode.

You are absolutely ridiculous. This episode was genius. You're probably one of those nut jobs that thought Lost got terrible by the end. The problem with you is that at some point in the series you were tricked into thinking this show wasn't campy. And now that the camp that's been there since the beginning gets amped

You are absolutely ridiculous. This episode was genius. You're probably one of those nut jobs that thought Lost got terrible by the end. The problem with you is that at some point in the series you were tricked into thinking this show wasn't campy. And now that the camp that's been there since the beginning gets amped

Brilliant, but the thing is, it's totally going to work. Start naming big, respectable rock/pop acts from the 00s. Radiohead, Arcade Fire…. ….. …… I'm starting to run out already. LCD is the next rung below those two, peering up, and jumped there because of this move.

Brilliant, but the thing is, it's totally going to work. Start naming big, respectable rock/pop acts from the 00s. Radiohead, Arcade Fire…. ….. …… I'm starting to run out already. LCD is the next rung below those two, peering up, and jumped there because of this move.

Perhaps James is smarter than this dude thinks.

Perhaps James is smarter than this dude thinks.

I couldn't reply to your long post below that criticizes the recent Wes Anderson and Tarantino pictures, but you nailed it. This is why Paul Thomas Anderson is clearly the best of all this generation's wunderkinds. His films all feel like PTA but there is enough variety that you must be educated in his style to see it.

I couldn't reply to your long post below that criticizes the recent Wes Anderson and Tarantino pictures, but you nailed it. This is why Paul Thomas Anderson is clearly the best of all this generation's wunderkinds. His films all feel like PTA but there is enough variety that you must be educated in his style to see it.