
I've mastered iTunes. My first suggestion is to take all of those one-hit wonder artists, or artists you only have a couple songs from, and change their artist name to "xz1980s" (if they are from the 80s). Then put the artist name in parentheses after the track name. This way, when iTunes is organized by artist name,

I've mastered iTunes. My first suggestion is to take all of those one-hit wonder artists, or artists you only have a couple songs from, and change their artist name to "xz1980s" (if they are from the 80s). Then put the artist name in parentheses after the track name. This way, when iTunes is organized by artist name,

Jesus Louis. A bit verbose.

Jesus Louis. A bit verbose.

Hate to spoil this for you, but all movies are color timed the shit out of. Thank God, too, it makes them consistent and pretty. But it usually is just small, subtle changes….you can't change yellows to blues without making everything weird. You probably just watched behind the scenes footage that was shot with a

Hate to spoil this for you, but all movies are color timed the shit out of. Thank God, too, it makes them consistent and pretty. But it usually is just small, subtle changes….you can't change yellows to blues without making everything weird. You probably just watched behind the scenes footage that was shot with a

Wow…I'm a big fan of Community and I shockingly agree with lots of what you just said. Hmm. It seems like the third season of Community is much like the last two of Seinfeld. I'm happy to be seeing the characters I love still hanging out, but something's a bit off. Who the fuck knows what it will be like in season 4.

Wow…I'm a big fan of Community and I shockingly agree with lots of what you just said. Hmm. It seems like the third season of Community is much like the last two of Seinfeld. I'm happy to be seeing the characters I love still hanging out, but something's a bit off. Who the fuck knows what it will be like in season 4.

Perfect response. It is fucking astonishing. Undoubtedly his best, since it's a completely alien film from some other planet. His others were clever comedies with wink wink nod nod silliness at the concepts. More Wes Anderson-y. Good, but certainly the work of a young writer. Synecdoche is the first time he makes a

Perfect response. It is fucking astonishing. Undoubtedly his best, since it's a completely alien film from some other planet. His others were clever comedies with wink wink nod nod silliness at the concepts. More Wes Anderson-y. Good, but certainly the work of a young writer. Synecdoche is the first time he makes a

I agree with your point, but not your reasoning. Something can be classist and Western-centric and still be true. This doesn't happen to be one of those things, but just because you rightfully declare something icky, doesn't mean you have killed that something forever-ever.

I agree with your point, but not your reasoning. Something can be classist and Western-centric and still be true. This doesn't happen to be one of those things, but just because you rightfully declare something icky, doesn't mean you have killed that something forever-ever.

yeah it's probably chang. he has enough history to make the death meaningful. it's too bad the hangover was so popular. that forced the show's hand and made them keep a character around for longer than they should have. now they have to kill him because, what else? dan harmon will, of course, make something beautiful

the only person we cared about in the whole series ended up dead. she was trying to save poor todd margaret and it got her killed. the lying dumbassery of others killed the only good thing in this world. fuck. potent, potent shit. and then think of the insanely cool structure of the show…it flashes forward at the

this whole "first season was good, second season sucked" phenomenon happens all the time. it's probably because you misinterpreted the first season. you thought "ohhh this is the way it's going to go" and "holy shit, they are promising the most mind-exploding ending ever!" and then the show descended into silliness

am I the only one who found every single moment of this series to be perfect? i don't even like david cross standup that much and haven't seen mr. show, except on youtube. the show perfectly straddled the line between being completely ridiculous/cringeworthy while still retaining its authenticity. you know people this

My film school was filled with jocks snickering at the silent films we were forced to watch. The teachers had to fall all over themselves to apologize for the difficult films. Most people are there expecting to watch Back to the Future and E.T., graduate students included. Nothing wrong with those movies, but I was

You're like someone reading a Victorian novel and wondering "Why doesn't the girl just tell her parents to fuck off and go marry whoever she wants?" It takes effort on the part of the modern audience to enjoy a silent film and that effort is rewarded immensely. Having said that, you're just fucking nuts. This is, on

Yeah Merv Griffin is an absolute classic and definitely the best episode from the non-Larry David years. I use the line "I'll pretend I didn't hear that" all the time.

i only watched the sequels when they were in the theaters, but they weren't terrible. i always have a problem discerning which big budget movies are good and which ones are mediocre. i have the same thing with the new indiana jones. all the nerds are outraged and my reaction is "wow, you must have really like the