
me too….me too…..very funny

am i just the most pretentious dude ever…or….?
I watch Magnolia constantly. I enjoy the fuck out of crying my heart out at the devastation that is a Lars von Trier movie (especially Breaking the Waves). Ys is brilliant and the catchiest shit I've ever heard. It took me awhile, but Eyes Wide Shut is absolutely insane

Destroyer will win. I trust Canada not to fuck this up.

I hate to make this Todd guy feel bad and he has some interesting stuff to say on other write-ups, but Frakkin is correct.

I wondered about that as well Delvis. The scene is played out like it means something, but I do believe Lemon is correct. It's strange how subtle things that you can't put your finger on can lead the viewer slightly astray.

Holy fucking Christ. Do you guys know how to read film at all? It's heavily, heavily, HEAVILY implied that Tony dies in the last scene of the show. Do you have any idea the amount of scenes in this show that work off of implications half as obvious as this last scene where you completely accept what the show is

scott you are a genius. how could they forget that song? i've never knew how to characterize my love for it (okay my love for everything but the chorus of it). best novelty song ever is a good damn characterization.

one cool moment in this movie is when melanie griffiths character reveals her insanity to jeff daniels for the first time. they are in a car that she's driving and after the reveal, they immediately descend into a tunnel on the freeway. so now jeff daniels realization is backed by a kinetic, whipping by

I was thinking about my love for Dan Bejar as well and how I'd have nothing to say to the person who was annoyed by his theatrical style (except to check out a different album that lacks the theatrics). I dunno though, I still think that this is a different situation. Bon Iver's falsetto worked well when he sang

constant falsetto
anyone else kind of over his voice? i think the diverse instrumentation and the production on this album are great, but the constant falsetto is no longer working for me. the first time his voice appears on the album i kind of cringed (except not really a cringe, something more diluted than that).

Yes, Black Eyed Peas are the pinnacle of good contemporary music, that was my point!

art gets better
Wow, no one mentioned the most important argument. Music, and all other art, is continually getting better. Objectively better (meaning we have good reason to believe it is getting better).

pta pta pta
I really really really want Miscaviage and Cruise and Travolta to do everything in their power to DESTROY this film, as long as they don't completely destroy it. That way, the parallels will be so close with Citizen Kane that the movie will kick as much ass as Citizen Kane.

looks like someone turned Gallagher inside out and added fur.

Are you guys fucking high?

Goddamn motherfucking AVClub smarter-than-thou sarcasm!!!!
That little stupid question mark in parenthesis after the premise of the movie is stated makes my blood boil. Yes a planet is hiding behind the Sun and is soon to collide with Earth. Yes Lars Von Triers knows that is ridiculous in reality. Yes he proves he

Wow I thought I was the only person in the world who didn't like the "master of your domain"/"queen of the castle" stuff. It always came across as forced since they couldn't say masturbation. One step too many in the avoidance game. I usually like the rest of the word play though.

What's so wrong with Batman Begins? WHAT'S SO WRONG WITH BATMAN BEGINS?! I'll tell you what's so wrong with Batman Begins.

worst title ever
The Angel, The Bad And The Wise has to be a translation error. That's the worst title I've heard since Batman Begins. Tarantino has way too much style to allow that to even be a tentative title.

Sheen is the working man's Franco. He puts that pretentious fool to shame.