
Don't Stop —
"Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. If it's good enough for Tony, it's good enough for me. You would want to time the THWACK of hitting the ground at juuuuuust the right moment.

alameda guys, alameda! that first twenty seconds i just focus on listening to each and every time he hits the drum (not the deep sounding one but the higher one…yeah im a music expert). focus on those imperfect shit-drums (to quote my man moonface) and let the rest of the song swirl around you. good times.

i've never heard either joke before but i knew immediately that they were old standards. you think someone's going to start a joke writing career at his age? this shouldn't be shocking.

have you guys ever used a tongue scraper and accidentally gone too far, causing the gag reflex? you have to brush your teeth all over again!!!

Yes, PDL is his best. You can't find better cinematography. Check out what he's doing with the lighting. When Adam Sandler gets beat up by the four brothers at the ATM machine, wait for the wide shot where Adam starts to run away. As soon as he bolts, the barndoors on a light are OPENED MID-SHOT giving a very subtle

this is the coolest album cover i've seen in a long time. i didn't like the music though. too bad. :(

desperate youth is actually pretty great, not pretty good, but you were close. OK CALC is more of an experiment than an album, yet there are some serious gems on there. freeway and say you do and one of my favorite TV on the Radio tracks bicycles are red hot.
Bicycles Are Red Hot!!!!