conor c.

Not a fan of any kind of nationalism, but historically he was important as the first leader of any kind of african-american movement. Martin Luther King thought enough of him to pay homage at his grave.

Just giggled hysterically at work reading this. Thank you.

That actually makes sense considering that Murray used to piss off everyone in Caddyshack by making up lines. Beautiful, hilarious lines that made the movie way better though, so there you go.

What a great movie. "PHIL? PHIL CONNORS?" "NED?" (punch)

Wait, that was the suburban dad who fucks everything up.

Agreed. I booed her watching that scene but from her perspective, her studying/hard work made absolutely sure that she was never given a leg up because of her gender. Any woman who has talent to her uses that advantage, and she's probably seen little to dispute that.

Got that book for my dad as a gag gift. So, so strange.

Not watching this show, never will, but this review almost was like a For Your Consideration piece. I personally never watched the Sopranos because I cheered on Tony, and I'm not sure who really did - I think a lot of people watched because it was hyped, it was a pop culture phenomenon, and it was brilliant, or at

I was listening to the finale while walking and started crying because it was so goddamn beautiful and it just made me happy that someone like Sondheim could exist and make such brilliant music.

She does. I didn't learn to like it until I heard it with someone else singing it - it's pretty if not great.

Both were the first songs Morrissey/Marr wrote together.

One of the Smiths' most haunting songs ever - the lyrics work brilliantly as an exorcism of childhood trauma and a recognition that the crimes involved are intimately connected with the landscape that they were committed in, and can never be truly erased from it. Also, some very subtle, textured guitar work and bass

Some of the Cramps' slower ballad covers sound like the Walkmen, especially "Lonesome Town".

Yeah, people hate Reeves, but he's fine if he's given the right roles; not a chameleon, but given the Matrix or Parenthood, he's great (Dracula…is a different story).

Thanks for reminding me of that terrifying fucking story. WAY TO BE DAWESTERITY WAY TO BE

His sob-scream at the end killed me, that and his brilliant, self-loathing monologue at his mother.

The history of the FBI under Hoover is pretty hateful in general.

My music teacher in 3rd grade ruined any scare I could get out of this by making a super-cutesy "oooo" and pantomiming it. Music class completely sucked any value we could get out of music. The lyrics are still pretty unsettling, though.

"The symbolism…was lost on them."