conor c.

So many good movies - Punch Drunk Love, Almost Famous, 25th Hour - the guy had one of the best careers of any actor (Lester Bangs and Truman Capote, fuck).

I do love that face-off scene, also because it's Tennant vs. Anthony Head. As a newbie, it actually helped me get that the Time Lords and the Doctor were very different ("Your people were peaceful to the point of indolence"), which added to the show for me.

There are always vague Internet rumors of the Doctor totally existing. Maybe this is one of them…

"Seriously, you're bumming everyone out." *Rob Thomas walks home with his head down Peanuts-style*

It's possible the pedophilia will be implied, not seen. I haven't seen the original movie or the book though (on the grounds that they both sound terrible), so I'm not sure how it was depicted there.

Mark Millar is history's greatest monster!

Well, he made his natural quietness work in The Social Network - one of the themes of the film (I thought) was that what comes off as geeky awkwardness with Zuckerberg is actually a cold, ruthless intelligence willing to burn anyone to propel his vision (which also makes him pretty tragic). He'll be a good Luthor -

She also muses that she figured Jane would leave him, not vice versa (I love that Mona knows Roger well enough to know exactly where his second marriage would go).

Well she felt at peace with dying in that scene, so I figured the Doctor took her at her word (which may be kind of stupid).

I really love that whole thing though - The Master dancing around to pop music and basically scoring his own personal apocalypse is exactly the kind of maniac absurdity that makes me love Doctor Who. The whole "Peter Pan" Doctor floating thing is inherently ridiculous, though.

I always like the deleted scene where he says the best concert he's ever been to was the Housemartins in 88 or something - I ended up listening to them and it seems exactly like the kind of weird British rock band the Doctor would totally love.

They go into that in the "impossible planet" 2 parter - when I first watched it, I was still getting used to the Dr. Who aesthetic and thought it was interesting that the Doctor admits to being at least an agnostic - he can't be sure if God exists or not, but is more a rational man of science than anything else (at

I thought he was amazing in 30 rock. "Yawning is contagious…just like the STDs I'm about to give you from Thai prostitutes."

I know, this movie has my biggest literary pet peeve in the title.

That was easily the best scene in the movie. At least now the stepdad's immortalized as the complete bastard he was.

So this is basically Homeward Bound 2 starring Louis CK, right?

This whole article reminds me of the bit in 30 Rock where Liz says that she did a hunger strike against apartheid. Tracy: "Oh, so that was you who solved that? Well, thank you soooooo much!"

Yeah, I'd say New Slaves and Black Skinhead aren't exactly about civil rights per se, but they're very angry political songs about marginalization of blacks from wealth and power. To say Kanye is ignoring politics is pretty naive.

After Angels Take Manhattan, I would be way too happy to see them stay until the actors who played them died. If you can't tell, I was bummed out.

It is interesting that Don usually leaves his mistresses when "real life" gets in the way. He stopped sleeping with Sally's teacher once Betty found his past, Sylvia's over once Sally catches them, and once he finds out Bobbie's heard about him from other woman, same deal. Once the fantasy is interrupted, he has no