conor c.

He's been turning in amazing work all season; check out All The Real Girls, he's strong there as well.

A YouTube compilation of Mickey Doyle beatings/humiliations has had to surface by now.

She had the same cleavage in True Romance, which was highly distracting in 1993 and is still distracting now.

Wracked my brain over what it was called, thanks - good story too.

Dead of Night is scary as hell. The ending is absolutely perfect.

That movie totally fucked up any view I have of Hurdy Gurdy Man as a "nice" song…which is awesome.

Way to spoil my comment, Bettie. Jeez.


Outer Dark had a woman as a central character, and she was beautifully drawn as a woman desperate to find her son, pretty much the only thing that has given her life meaning. But then you could see her as a Madonna figure, which has problems all of its own. Fuck…well, Blood Meridian is one of the best books I've ever

This one was fair; the Hollywood Reporter's review could be summed up as "omg, why was this soooo dark?"

This was tackled fairly well on the Sopranos and the Wire to some extent, but I feel like Boardwalk goes very in depth on the theme of institutional politics and crime being linked together and working to further each power both monetarily and politically. Not original maybe, but the ward-boss system of the 20s was a

Charlie seemed to be doing an impression of Gorman's character near the end, and it was spot on.

I think Mac would love if Dee died so he could be that much closer to Dennis.

The waitress' conversation with Charlie was 80 % of my conversations with stupid people (though I try not to be too dickish).

At least Shymalan has Unbreakable too; there hasn't been a Kelly movie since that hasn't sounded like pretentious crap.

The plot isn't totally hooking me, but it's Ridley Scott and Cormac McCarthy, so…yup, still paying to see this in theaters.

I hope its better than that. God, that movie had some bright spots but was pretty disappointing.

Sondheim don't put up with that sentimental bull-sheet. Sondheim kicks asses and takes names, then writes Into The Woods.

I hate when critics write that artists are "unemotional" (usually because they actually challenge the audience intellectually), because it's almost always bullshit - Sondheim is usually called too cerebral, but "Being Alive" from Company moves me far more than any of the obviousness of Rent. It's not a valuable

I meant Green Day was an exception (probably because Billie Joe's voice doesn't have that weird whine the other singers have, and that he grew up on the Beatles and Husker Du).