conor c.

Late reply, but man, I love High Plains Drifter, that has to feature on Watch This at some point.

Late reply, but man, I love High Plains Drifter, that has to feature on Watch This at some point.

I loved Sorkin when he wrote The Social Network (which is a great script because it's nothing like the "come together" liberalism Sorkin seems to love), but then it was revoked when, after writing a script that implicitly criticizes Zuckerberg, paints him as a resentful and angry creature, and implies throughout that

Stupid Canada has all the good hardcore bands.

I just remember sobbing during the whole funeral in this one. Six Feet Under made me cry way too much.

Matthew Weiner actually mentioned in an interview on the pilot that Don's pitches in s6, which tended to lack the actual product and were kind of theoretical, are actually very similar to trends in advertising in the 1970s; I know zip about advertising history, but I like that as Don becomes more and more of a hollow

Excellent analysis, Bed Bath and Beyonce. I really hope James Wolk's terrible looking new show with Robin Williams gets cancelled so he can keep playing this strange, overly friendly cipher.

He has two kids who obviously love him; you can't blame him for not wanting to fuck up his family. What he did hurt Peggy and was wishy washy, but he didn't want to have a broken home; Betty really brought that terror of failing your kid home too. Even when parents should divorce, theres a universal anxiety that

Agree with David Yow completely, this is a song totally worthy of all the venom in the world. It's a fucking repugnant message, but its made worse by a really nauseating melody and chorus. The worst of baby boomer free love bullshit, and as with Yow, I don't have a huge beef with Stephen Stills. I mean, he sang

I just finished The Nick Adams Stories by Hemingway. Like a lot of minimalist writing, I can find it frustrating ("What exactly is the tone with which you're writing that FUCKING SENTENCE?") but Adams' stories, especially when put in chronological order, are really moving - by the time you finish the last story

"So it goes" is an average response you'll get from me about a lot of random shit in my day. What a fantastic book.

Rickety Cricket gets to seduce Michael C. Hall. And after all he goes through from the gang, all I can say is good for him.

I want that pillow fort. I was kind of bummed out that Catherine O' Hara disappears after this episode, she was really funny - at least she pops up in a video flashback in season 5.

Olivier is great because he has the vocab and brain to sway people with his "art guru" routine but is also smart enough to recognize that he is totally full of it.

Wow, that is a beautiful sentence. This show is an English major (ie me) fantasy of how television should be written.

Not really, there are little winks and nods, but nothing too big. You should watch it though, its a really great film, as is the novel (which I devoured, heh, in two days or so).

Have no comment on the show, never watched it, but wanted to chime in that Reed Diamond is great in Much Ado About Nothing and is excellent at Shakespearean dialogue-he's also good in Dollhouse, which becomes absolutely worth watching by episode 6 or 7.

The guy who has several good to great films under his belt, including Memento, was opposed to a shitty creative decision from the man responsible for 300? I'm surprised.

Whats fucked up is I think he did weight gain intentionally to portray Soprano's own weight gain/decline. I could be totally wrong, but either way, fucking sad.

Never seen it, but it sounds great. Watch This should do a series of unconventional or genre bending horror films-and then put Martin in it.