conor c.

Mars Attacks! doesn't work at all, except for some reason it just does-those freaky little martians are still so funny.

Did anyone else laugh hysterically when Roger claimed to have cupped Lee Garner's balls? (I couldn't tell if it was sarcastic or actual, but considering Garner's closeted status, it was still funny).

Exactly. Pete simultaneously has control over a new power player in SC
and co, and has at last achieved a symbolic revenge over the
good-looking prick who seems to live life way, way better than Pete ever
could. When Pete goes into his office and sighs/smiles, he's finally getting catharsis over Draper in season 1.

fuck, my bad; i meant high plains drifter-i haven't seen pale rider, apparently it's a very different kind of western.

The idea of Ebert not seeing movies anymore bums me out (unless theres an afterlife, where hopefully he's got like a special golden screening room with perfect film quality prints and shit).

It's a decent movie (Pat Hingle is good as a morally ambiguous judge), but it's not his best. Pale Rider is an awesome, weirdly experimental and supernatural take on Westerns that's very much worth a look.

Hannibal talking to other serial killers is always pretty funny, as with him and Tobias. "Excuse me for being forward, Tobias, but did you kill that orchestra player?"

Yeah, I let out an involuntary 'Awwww' when that happened; being that dogs respond to empathetic people, his dogs probably love him a lot.

Agreed. I'm an anarchist, and I'm gonna bet this movie doesn't actually explain any details of anarchist activism and organization (mutual aid, horizontal structures, etc.) and is just gonna make us look charismatic and intense or some shit. All the anarchists I know are pretty chill people.

Amy Acker doubling as Fred and Illyria, and switching from sweet Texan to cold goddess, is fucking brilliant. 

Looking forward to more of these amazing, funny, and perceptive reviews, John. The tone is perfect for characters who are often very clueless about who they really are but try so hard to become better or make the most of life.

I think the term I would use is "upsetting" or "traumatic", jesus.

The funniest and most accurate line about Lisa is from Keith when he says something along the lines of "Poor Lisa, I've never met anybody so delusional about herself." (And look whos fucking talking). Lisa is both the most annoying hippie of all time and a person desperate for love from someone who is incapable of

"Do you blush?" Ron Pearlman sells that line; actually, I watched a bit of the original Blade last night and it holds up as a great action movie.

I kinda figured he was this awesome when in Newsweek, a dickhead interviewer mocked Trekkies, and he outright argued back that the fans he had met were wonderful people and that they didn't deserve any condescension; fuckin' a. 

Speaking of ginger women, Karen Gillan is the hottest woman I've seen on the show so far other than Ageyman, good god.

Fucking hell, that was a horrible Sherlock; the 2nd episodes of this show have been really bad, but that was just some Orientalist bullshit.

Doctor Who can indeed be a little too British at times (I'm actually curious how many working people in England give that big of a shit about the Queen anymore), but I actually love that the Doctor at heart is a cultural relativist; he doesn't try to punish others unless it's absolutely necessary or the culprit has

David Simon is one of the few people I actively try to find interviews with because he's so articulate and fuckin' smart. He and Joss Whedon are the two television writers I'd really like to sit down and shoot the shit with. (Simon on politics, Whedon on Sartre).

Actually, the Department of Defense acknowledged very recently that there have been no casualties as a result of the Manning leaks-that line of defense has been extinguished; the Obama administration is just pissed that someone revealed how absolutely awful our government is.