conor c.

Okay, let's say like 20%. They sure as hell don't get into what a monster Joseph Jackson was.

He's kind of brilliant in The Other Guys. WTF with him was excellent-I was surprised at his history with stand-up. Plus he was Ken in Toy Story 3!

Can't go wrong with yuppies forced to sing and dance along with "Day-O."

Possible first?

Fear of nuclear holocaust seems pretty healthy to me.

you can never go wrong with a nuclear annihilation ending. 

One of the best zombie movies, no question (I also have a soft spot for Day of The Dead). Punk rockers, a Nazi mortician, and endless quotes. Plus (SPOILERs) one of the bleakest endings ever-where the Reagan Administration is totally willing to nuke an American city to destroy the zombies, except it fails.


Sweet Life…is just gorgeous. It's Stevie Wonder pretty.

True, especially when living in a city (San Francisco in my case). My teenage cousins from Needham, MA and Lake Forest, IL have no idea who he is and don't really seem to care. The bubble of culture in cities really makes you forget what an average guy is actually going to listen to.

I liked the article on a certain level, but I agree that the album is way too personal and emotional for me to critique. I got dumped by a girl I fell for a day after the album, and a ton of the feelings on Channel Orange-unrequited love, jealousy, resentment, regret-are mine. That probably means that I can't properly

Y'know that's probably true; I haven't heard Fields, but he sounds like he's great. But critics and people are freaking out over Ocean because the dude is 25 years old, an age that is very important to pop music. Pop thrives on youth and vitality, as horrible as that is, so Ocean is very important because he's a young

Is the Frank Ocean coronation premature?

Did you read the verse he wrote? Maybe that explains just a little bit…a lot of people (like me) despise Obama because his policies kill people, including children, in other countries. Seriously. I'm not giving him a break for a second.

Sounds kinda like that Atlas Sound where he played my sharona for 45 minutes. although that might be worse. At least Fiasco was being confrontational.

Just wanted to say that this post really hit me as another Aspie. I often don't feel extreme anger when I am disappointed or hurt by other people as much as depression and melancholy-especially when it comes to failing to communicate to others, especially women I'm interested in. Still, I have certain abilities that

Did anyone else notice Joe Masseria as one of the gangsters?

I think it's thoughtless, but also that Nick, like most people, takes his father for granted and doesn't get that the fact that his father stuck around is a huge positive. 

The best is Schmidt's bluntly telling Robbie that he'll destroy him as soon as possible: "And then I'll swoop in and smite you."

See, I find Bukowski fucking hilarious. The book ending of Factotum is one of the funniest things I've ever read. I guess it depends on your reaction to it, but I find his work to be black comedy, not just tragedy.