conor c.

Right, exactly, and I actually like Rourke as an actor; Faye Dunaway is genuinely great in this though.

Found the whole thing on YouTube when I was devouring Bukowski novels as fast as I could. I actually don't love Rourke's performance-although Factotum isn't that great, Matt Dillon's performance seems like a less schticky version of Chinaski. Faye Dunaway is great though, and I like the circular ending.

"he could steve my buscemi" (theoretical double entendre I just made up.)

D'Angelo's in this too! 

Whenever I'm in a bar, I realize that I could be Charles Bukowski if I really, really wanted to. 

Letter to Hermione, way back from 69. Lady Grinning Soul, Warszarwa, etc. Then again, Bowie was always a very emotional artist to me: most of his lyrics are about trying desperately to connect to other people and failing, something that always spoke very deeply to me as an autistic.

Billy Chapin actually holds his own in the movie really, really well. He's good at showing a little boy who is smart enough and resourceful enough to see through the preacher and desperately try to protect himself and his little sister (who creates a ton of tension in the movie by being too little to get whats going

Bulworth is so ballsy (even though it makes no fucking sense, and theres way too much about the hitman plot) and at times really well written that you kind of have to love it. beatty is also pretty funny. 

His jumping out the window, laughing like a lunatic, is the happiest death scene ever.

His jumping out the window, laughing like a lunatic, is the happiest death scene ever.

mcdonalds good in slc punk playing a boomers who's a self-absorbed jerk but also genuinely loves his son and tries to look after him.

mcdonalds good in slc punk playing a boomers who's a self-absorbed jerk but also genuinely loves his son and tries to look after him.

fuck me santa fuck me santa fuck me santa fuck me santa

fuck me santa fuck me santa fuck me santa fuck me santa

You need many years of therapy.

You need many years of therapy.

No, he's actually totally different: he's very subtly funny, very low-key. The running gag is that he keeps leaving the institution then just kinda goes with it when an officer comes to pick him up.

No, he's actually totally different: he's very subtly funny, very low-key. The running gag is that he keeps leaving the institution then just kinda goes with it when an officer comes to pick him up.

if he actually learned anything from the wire, he would've stopped the war on drugs like five minutes into office. i mean, the message on the show is not super subtle about that.

if he actually learned anything from the wire, he would've stopped the war on drugs like five minutes into office. i mean, the message on the show is not super subtle about that.