conor c.

i love the casual drug use-its totally dead on, especially for the chenowiths and fishers, who in a lot of ways are extreme personalities or the opposite of, and are just way more likely to use them. rico and vanessa don't do anything, mostly because they're pretty normal.

i love the casual drug use-its totally dead on, especially for the chenowiths and fishers, who in a lot of ways are extreme personalities or the opposite of, and are just way more likely to use them. rico and vanessa don't do anything, mostly because they're pretty normal.

SPOILERS phil rubbing the chair as he watches vito get killed (he also LITERALLY comes out of the closet to confront him) says it all to me. hes also definitely got some S+M/masochistic impulses, like richie and ralphie. now that i think about it, each of tony's nemeses have enjoyed sadism in one form or another…

SPOILERS phil rubbing the chair as he watches vito get killed (he also LITERALLY comes out of the closet to confront him) says it all to me. hes also definitely got some S+M/masochistic impulses, like richie and ralphie. now that i think about it, each of tony's nemeses have enjoyed sadism in one form or another…

Yeah, thats totally dead on. I grew up in Sandwich, NH, I grew up around the antique owner and the b+b people, hell the B+B owner gave me tennis lessons.

Yeah, thats totally dead on. I grew up in Sandwich, NH, I grew up around the antique owner and the b+b people, hell the B+B owner gave me tennis lessons.

It is a pretty horrific denial of whats going to happen to Vito. Finn's responsible too, but hes also a scared 20 year old who is terrified of these dangerous guys, and at least he admits his complacency and confronts Meadow about the fact that these men will kill him. Meadow doesn't have the guts.

It is a pretty horrific denial of whats going to happen to Vito. Finn's responsible too, but hes also a scared 20 year old who is terrified of these dangerous guys, and at least he admits his complacency and confronts Meadow about the fact that these men will kill him. Meadow doesn't have the guts.

i always thought the cop whose life tony fucks with was the best: totally incorruptible, and one of the few who refuses to buckle to tony's evil.

i always thought the cop whose life tony fucks with was the best: totally incorruptible, and one of the few who refuses to buckle to tony's evil.

I grew up in a very small New Hampshire town kind of like this one (Sandwich); it was a progressive town, but the surrounding area had a lot more hicks and conservatives, the sons of whom I went to school with. It was kind of standard homophobia, but it was there. I knew a guy who came out junior year, and the only

I grew up in a very small New Hampshire town kind of like this one (Sandwich); it was a progressive town, but the surrounding area had a lot more hicks and conservatives, the sons of whom I went to school with. It was kind of standard homophobia, but it was there. I knew a guy who came out junior year, and the only

Lost was in purgatory!


i repeated fact twice, fuck.

Yeah, I started to hate Meadow as the show went on. I love when Finn calls her on the fact that she blatantly ignores the fact that her family is filled with murderers and monsters.

considering the time period, id say racism: not outright bigotry, but the sort of discrimination that only pops out occasionally.

reminds me of my grandfather-(also wwii vet, hates the japanese): he occaisonally makes a mildly racist joke, then laughs when everybody's shocked-he knows its bad, he just doesn't care.

don's line about "don't blame your failures on me" was a serious burn. that chekovs shotgun in his office is totally going places. LIKE HIS HEAD! To be honest, I don't want Pete to die, don't listen, Weiner.

i assumed that sally was just really hurt that don, a parent who she definitely loves more than betty, would lie to her at all. she always blamed betty for the divorce so she kind of assumes don is automatically better (which he is as a parent, really about the same as a person).