conor c.

"I don't know about anyone else, but I picked Lane."

One of the best tv episodes I've seen in awhile-I loved how when Lane and Pete fight, it isnt a triumph as much as two guys with bloody knuckles battered and exhausted. Amazing.

Miller: in McNulty's defense, he did these terrible things for arguably noble reasons: to stop Marlo and investigate the murders he and his minions committed. This doesn't excuse his kidnapping and other nasty shit, but as he points out to Templeton, he knows what he did and why he did it: it wasn't entirely selfish.

The Wire is totally Joyce pre Finnegans Wake and Ulysses.

Same, I liked how she reacted to Betty's death: Megan seems like a good person to have around in a crisis.

I like how Roger does treat Peggy with respect, like when in season two he tells her that she is the only copywriter with balls. I suspect that Roger tends to like stronger women, but he ends up marrying Jane (whhyyyy)

Thinking about Betty's depression is kind of interesting in the context of how a lot of baby-boom kids were raised. I read a collection of Tim Burton interviews where he said that he later realized that his suburbanite parents were deeply unhappy, and he basically lived with miserable, depressed people all of his

Underrated movie, man; Seth Rogen is very funny but kinda fucking scary. Its a movie that took a lot of nerve to make. I'd also like to point out in regards to the date rape scene, as always, people freak out at sex and not at violence. Yes, the scene is disturbing (albeit really funny, and to be fair to Ronnie, her

I'm not sure if this is counts, but the "Dropsie Avenue" story by Will Eisner depicts this neighborhood as it goes through 120 years; pretty damn powerful, as the street changes along with the people, but still retains an essence for the people there.

Horses, horses, horses, coming in from all directions.

The Sopranos does work better when viewed weekly or every couple of days, so I count it in the "fucking amazing" category more than others. The Wire, however, actually works really well in marathon sessions, not only because it's addictive, but because each season is structured like a novel, making it a rush to watch.

When my old roommate kept me awake all night cause he was high on cocaine and a bipolar medication (he was a nice guy, but had some problems), I passed out and missed a class. Pissed off, I went into the room while he was sleeping, opened the shades, and blasted "Metal Machine Music" on speaker, as unlike most people,

Blakroc was good? I played a track on KUSF, but I liked what I heard.

I like the Black Keys, though being in the punk scene and liking the principles that entails, I disagree that selling out is somehow "good." Putting your bands music in a commercial doesn't affect the song-if you did sell your song to a car company, it's probably because it's a damn good song. At the same time, it

Looking forward to seeing this film, good article. I first heard of the idea of sex addiction from Six Feet Under, but I find it overall to be plausible: if you can get addicted to a high from alcohol or coke, you can surely get an addiction to something as brief and powerful as an orgasm. Thats my thought anyway.

I wanna meet Dave Grohl.

yeah, i like dave grohl, but he doesn't seem like a guy with much of a tormented past or any demons. just seems like a nice guy who is very talented and successful.  "Everlong" is a great song, his drumming is fantastic, thats about it.

sarcastic and kinda awesome.

lt feels like a speech a boss would give before liquidating half the company.

Great episode. Love the Glad Tidings monologue. One of the funniest moments in the series is Tony bullshitting, then running like a maniac from the closing in FBI-the twos faces are priceless. I always object to the Aj critiques though. Yes, the kid is a stupid, selfish asshole-but they pulled some interesting moments