conor c.

bored to death was great, but it peaked in season 2…the incest storyline also got a little fucking creepy, although it was ballsy. ah well, danson was superb.

one of the things that horrified me was Silvio yelling at her, "You cunt"; for all of the grumpy, lovable moments we've had, hes just as much of a monster as anyone.

Against Me!…yup, pretty much it.

i dunno, i think a lot of people will look strange after they lose weight, its pretty jarring, but i think its appalling that av clubbers act as if hes an asshole or no longer funny. Jesus Christ, good for him, man! We should be happy for anyone whos able to do that.

I'm willing to give this a shot. I've been quoting that Sam Rockwell line "Have you ever been emotionally buttfucked by a friend?" a lot. And in defense of Green, I seriously think The Pineapple Express is one of the best comedies made in awhile, it's a great movie all around, filled with little design touches and the

true, just wrote a paper on el salvador gangs. that shit is messed up.


My favorite's "All of the pieces matter" and "Nobody's winning, they're just losing slower."

Dana Carvey as Jimmy Stewart is pretty funny too. "Hey, let's go and KICK HIS ASS!"

"my name is my name!" applies to a lot of the characters too. I'm also pretty sure that if Shakespeare saw that scene, he would have wished he'd wrote that line.

good point, it's more I wish he would stop than he will.

Isn't Tom Cruise getting tired of making action movies? He's almost 50, for gods sake…he's a good actor, I just want him to move to the "Brad Pitt' phase of his career, when he can start doing whatever the hell he wants.

Man, Bobby's kids got a horrible deal. First they lose their (seemingly really nice) mom, their father is freaking out, then they get this horrible, unpleasant, mildly batshit stepmother…then their dad dies. So many future therapy bills…

It works for Tony's self-righteous character, but it really fits into the general mood of the show especially later as their world got darker and it seems like theres no way for anyone to escape the mob world they're trapped in. WMDs, Bin Laden, nukes, invasions-it's a sense that "the center cannot hold."

Yeah I like the Crane scene too; reminds me of when he and Tony argue and Tony B. says "Don't touch me" with just enough firmness to be a warning. A lot of the Sopranos is about childhood wounds, how they affect us as we get older and how they can haunt everything we do. Case in point.

i loved how the camera watches him for a long, long time-it doesn't focus on him, just lets him walk away,

the scene where will ferrell, danny mcbride, and "chaka" (i guess) eat cooked GIANT CRAB meat, are really stoned, and ferrell tries to get the other two to make out. That Ferrell movies contain weird, audacious shit like that are why I find it incredibly hard to hate him. Creatively, he and Adam McKay do tend to push

Batman Forever is weird cause its at least a bit better than Batman and Robin-Two Face is awful, its blaring and over the top, but there are bits where you see a little of the brooding gothic Batman over the merchandise humping blockbuster. I also kinda like Jim Carrey in it at certain points.

Speaking of "sword and sandal movies"…Troy: Priam begging Achilles to let him take back Hector's body is a great scene. Peter O Toole gives an amazing performance…which at this point is just a give.

i have to say, though, i think ewan macgregor really came into his own playing obi-wan at a certain point. hes wooden in episode 1, but actually hes the best character in the prequels in terms of actual growth. over the course of the series he grows from a padawan who is still unsure of things into the warm, wise