conor c.

Batman and Robin-yes, yes, yes bat credit card, but there's a surprisingly good scene halfway through where Clooney and Gough talk about what it means to be Batman, and Alfred says "What is the Batman but an attempt to stop death…something we can never truly destroy." Its not GREAT, but its a well written honest

Good stuff-but I love the rat sequence. Years before Ratatouille, and its disgusting, goofy, and puts a big grin on my face. I never found the Muppets hilarious, per se-they just make me really, really happy (and damn if "Rainbow Connection" isn't the shit). I'm in my teens, but I remember Muppet Christmas Carol…it

The first really good episode of this show, and definitely a forerunner for how amazingly great JLU turned out. And yeah, this episode is really funny, I love Batman destroying this group of selfish, stupid bastards from within. Conroy at his most badass. And that makeout scene-one of the few times I've found women in

you're right in that nobody wants him there, but the joker does know how batman thinks (although nobody really takes his actual advice on batman, which is to kill him.) i also think though that everybody is kinda scared of him; its like that line from the comics: "when bad guys want to scare each other they tell joker

Match Point's cool, though because its the same (guy has affair, mistress wants him to leave his wife, SPOILER guy kills her) basic dillema, but the concept of God seems to have been removed from the situation. It's a totally different take, far more nihilistic. Match Point is even more disturbing because at least

Does Seide go into Woody Allen's writing? Cause Without Feathers is one of the funniest books I've ever read (that and Naked Tongue by Carl Hiaasen).

this is getting mixed reviews, and not without reason i guess, but i do like the premise, and michael shannons a badass actor (something about the way he speaks, kinda slurred but with a creepiness). I might go see it regardless…

that…would make sense.

Damn, really poignant episode. A lot of relationships seem to be about regret: what could have been, the actions you could have taken. It's a motif of HIMYM, and it pops up again here.

I always liked how Silvio is arguably the happiest person on the show because he doesn't have as many responsibilities as Tony, and none of the hang ups of Chris or Paulie. Hes a content dude. And Stevie's hilarious. 'I said my peace Chrissy!'

that joke rules.

man, what a good episode. wood was scarily good too.

This episode slayed. So weird, so funny (the crotch thing was hilarious), and asking a man if he wants to see her pussy is a wonderfully weird way to ask someone to have sex. The best part though might be Chris Rock lecturing Louis: I mean, damn if that isn't a great speech, "Where am I going? I've already gotten

Anyone read Curvy? It's this erotic webcomic that's pretty sexy, but very tongue in cheek too, and kind of creative.

and her voice is pretty hot. the fireman speech in archer ALMOST gave me a boner. almost.

One of the things I like about the 2nd and later seasons is that David is purposefully not as wound up as before; he acts a lot more flamboyant (which I've always enjoyed watching) and actually fun. He makes friends, figures out his relationship with Keith completely (my favorite part of the show is their coupledom,

*bemused chuckle*

yes, yes he did. and he tries to fight angel. FAIL.

anyone read the recent dini detective comics issue with her? the plant monster in it is actually pretty scary.

Yeah, I've only seen a few episodes of that series, but I thought that one was great, an interesting exploration of aging and mortality, and the difference between Ra's and, again, Batman. Batman is offered immortality, but rejects it in favor of natural aging. Ra's literally (SPOILERS) sacrifices his own daughter to