conor c.

I dunno… Jeph Loebs run on Hush though actually made me think Catwoman and Batman were a good match. Stupid Batman has to fuck it up though…

Speaking of Freudian, Out of The past from Batman Beyond is one of the creepiest things ever. It's awesome…it's just horrifying.

I kinda agree with Rowan-Wilfred isn't very funny, although when it is it's great ("alcoholic blowjob machine" is an awesome phrase). But it's so original I'm kind of mesmerized. There's nothing like this on tv, and I'm looking forward to the show ironing out the kinks (Woods capable of way more than theyre giving

One of my favorite episodes. I remember tearing up when David prays to God to take the loneliness out of him. And Billy's descent into complete fucked-upedness is pretty fucking scary. I dunno though…I have Asberger's syndrome, and Billy was always my favorite character. I always had more free will with my mental

Tom Noonan in Mystery Train.

One thing
I do with his songs on my library is organize them by year. Maries The Name is in 1961, etc. I'm an anal retentive geek about music, but it works pretty well.

one of my favorite artists. The Sun sessions are a good place to start, and I love How Great Thou Art, his gospel album. Honestly, the dude's talent is weirdly underrated. He arranged most of his early records, often changing their sound completely to fit his vision. His acting career is a huge what-if: had he

One of my favorites as well. It's weird, its extremely misogynistic (hellooo, bukowski), but i like it's honesty. Bukowski treats these women terribly, has hellacious relationships, empty wonderful sex, and is an asshole, but he knows it, and he seems to be baring his soul completely, which is what a lot of good

Strangely, I hate Henry Miller, but I love Bukowski. Ah well…

Great book
one of my favorites for all of its moral weirdness. Then again, what I love about Bukowski is that he never pretended to have any kind of compass. He was an alcoholic, misogynist, perpetually unemployed fuck. And he was great. His poetry is great as well.

Pho: agreed; i was watching a scene with my roommate where nate and ruth have a conversation about nate's choices in women which then gets really resentful and nasty quickly. he and i come from really open, honest families, and he said, "if someone said that about me, we'd make a joke and move on." the fishers are

Man, Gabe was a total idiot. A combination of every hick/wanksta I knew in high school, albeit with some sympathetic qualities, in that he had literally nothing to bring to the table….so you just felt bad for him. Claire could pick em!

My favorite arc on the series might be Brenda finally overcoming all of her darkness and cruelty and raising maya as her own daughter; Rachel Griffiths has this great, touching moment with ruth over maya's custody where she bursts out, "i love that little girl as i would my own, and i am taking her home with me!"

favorite lines
nate's reaction to david coming out is very natural and one of the funniest in the show: "Oh cool, that's great…cool…" (pulls Brenda away)
"Claire if we stay, we have to go to spinning class!"

i love how croc builds it up by slamming the table, giving it the most intimidating voice possible…then shuts down.

i hate the furio arc (it's kind of goofy to imagine furio as some romantic figure, i guess), but carmela is a brilliant character, a symbol of the moral compromises people have to make around tony soprano.

good point, but as david notes, nobody ever talks about anything in the fishers; david was taught, however unintentionally, to hide his feelings and repress himself.

agreed, although ruth seems to get it, she's just in heavy denial.

what is this movie and why does that sound so awful but awesome?

in regards to the crap, nobody brought up "i spy".