conor c.

now that i'm watching the show, i'm starting to see way earlier why brenda and nate are way too fucked up for each other. it's kind of wince-worthy.

i also love
david's speech; it's perfectly written and played: aggressive, all business, and scary as shit. but the part i like is that david afterwards almost faints, flustered and nervous. i think thats just right: i relate to david more because he's a 'pleaser', someone who tries to make everybody happy, and his

Damn right. It's insane what a pompous hypocrite Bono is, much as I do really love U2. Fucker has no right to claim love for Ireland, an extremely poor country, when he pays no taxes. At least the Beatles never claimed to love their country.

i think johnny sack is likely well-read enough, more than tony (who makes cursory attempts at it). the man is very intelligent, playing off both sides constantly.

just wait til the next couple, then theres one thats unbearably depressing.

awesome, one of my favorite albums. critics always say it's half-baked, but thats the point to me; it's these perfect, goofy little pop songs, don't compare it to "let it be", think "rocky raccoon."

underrated movie.

watched it for the first time, loved it; my favorite moment is when daniels and griffiths are dancing together at the prom to the feelies. daniels does this splendidly goofy dance, she laughs, and then they lock into each other, and it's just so damn SWEET. to me, thats a moment of bliss. i want that, honestly.

he's quite good on mad men.

State Trooper in the season 1 finale. So foreboding, especially after a scene of family together.
Kid A by Radiohead.

Janice is a horrible, manipulative human being, but the scene where she is trying to become less angry makes me sympathetic towards her, because it represents much of the soprano conflict: trying to change when the atmosphere around you is just dragging you all the way down.

wow, this is pretty cool; i have sort of an amateur question about body decomposition; why does the body release gases?

Yeah, in retrospect, Brenda's doing this is SUPER fucked up; but it provides david with the catharsis he needs. Did I mention Michael Hall is great as David?

I had the flu! I said my peace Chrissy! Goddamnit what a great line.

Brenda doesn't yell at Maya,nor does she tell her that he's gone forever. She is pretty blunt with her though about Nate's death (although she tries to explain using Nemo). Actually, Brenda's redemption is her very genuine love for Maya.

The scene where David visits him in prison is grimly funny. "Did you bring me anything?" "No. I hate you." Also, I love that this mugger/serial killer asshole reveals that he was just as terrified of David and the corpse he was carrying as David was of him. It removes David's need to hate him, but gives him a lot of

David is easily one of my favorite characters in television; Hall brought him to life beautifully, and check out his performance in Cabaret online too.

yeah, for me, that might be why part of season 3 and 4 tends to drag; i feel like parts of it are filler for 5th season, which closes the whole show perfectly.

good movie
the concentration camp scenes are the most awkward to watch, but i actually love the ending speech, it's so totally sincere.

Phil Ochs
is the shit.