conor c.

Carmela and the recommendation
I thought this was handled very well. The awkwardness, Cusamano's awareness of who Soprano is, her own Italian-American guilt thing with her sister, and Carmela's actually unnerving request to the sister. Carmela is a person in willful denial: she pretends to not know what her husband

I don't agree with either of you, and I feel kind of bad for starting this up. I'm simply commenting about the trivialization of punk rock by Pitchfork because calling something punk rock if it has a punk fashion look is apparently uncool, according to Pitchfork. Let me get something straight: I do like Pitchfork,

I thought it had to do with the idealizing of the past tony and the other characters often do; it fits in with the reveal that johnny boy also had panic attacks. much like mad men, we idealize the past, but both shows reveal how we don't know shit about what was actually going on. johnny boy didn't keep his emotions

fuckin stupid, apathetic hippies, all of whom by 1982 were snorting coke and working for large corporations as lawyers.

I am a total sucker for any bands detailing misfits kids lost in suburban/small town hell and dealing with it. See also: Replacements, Green Day, Stooges, Bruce Springsteen, etc. So I'm gonna go pick this up as soon as possible.

Damn good
I love the fuck out of this record, as it combines my two loves: punk rock and lo-fi indie into one stew of self-hatred and pop vocals. Also, it kinda pisses me off that Pitchfork loves punk rockers like this if they have a indie fashion look. Against Me! was one of the great bands of the 2000s, but

in my defense, i was fairly clueless until i turned 13 about the internet and the endless possibilities of it.

totally worth reading, but thats fucked up.

Larry Sanders!
Great show, watched this episode on Netflix, although at times I think I liked it more for it's plotting and intelligence than for all of it's jokes. Jeffrey Tambor is pretty funny though as Hank, the most needy and pathetic man in the room.

Harry isn't an idiot. He rather brilliantly asked for his own tv department, because he recognized before anyone that television would be the new grounds for advertising. the reason they picked him for scdp is that he was one of the "visionaries". he may be a nebbishy nerdy guy, but he's smart, and actually a pretty

i love wavves, merely like best coast-she has good songs, but nothing that makes me want to listen to her over and over.

Mariel Hemingway and Woody Allen in Manhattan. He let a good thing go.

The only movie where Chris Tucker is awesome. Barbershop is also pretty good, speaking of Ice Cube flicks. "On Martin Luther King Day, you get your freak on!"

Damn, that movie is gorgeous. Just about being kind of a fuck up/weirdo in suburbia. Kristin Stewart and Ryan Reynolds both were unbelievably good. I'll never bitch about either of them ever again.

Diane and Lloyd
Okay, I have to object on the idea of Diane and Lloyd not working. Their chemistry is perfect, Diane loves that Lloyd is a gentleman at heart, and Lloyd loves her ambition and essential sweetness. They are opposites but you know what they say. So… NO. Plus it's one of my favorite movies, so I can't let

i thought favreau was pretty funny, especially the scene where he deals with a drugged up christopher, and we see the balancing act of being in the same room with a coked-up, unstable whackjob.

Barbara is pretty interesting as an unseen character most of the time in that she deals, unlike Meadow or AJ, with the Sopranos as a decent person probably would: she has little contact with them and seems fine just living with her husband and kids.

agreed on the identifying with artists; i love billie joe armstrong because i can identify with his lyrics and his westerbergian/townshendy/pretentious concept album sense of america as this fucked up land. i hate daughtry because his music sucks to me and the only people i know who listen to daughtry are total dicks.

tony also has superb instinct for avoiding conflict and getting the most out of everything-the perfect capitalist, basically. the scene where he tells davy that it's his nature to take everything from davy kind of scares the shit out of me-tony at the most self-analytical he'll ever get outside of therapy and at his

I think Chase has a point that people were hypocritical to cheer for blood in the finale, but i always felt he gave the audience a hard time. sure, we cheered tony on, but WHO does chase think made tony so likeable? the writers, the actors, chase himself. we can't help it if we like a disgusting but very human