
That part of the show bothered me a me too since I well remember the whole Qwikster debacle. I just kept wanting to yell at the TV that yes, while we are on our way to eliminating DVD/Bluray eventually, streaming internet content is practically still in its infancy and is not yet wholly a viable substitution for hard



I always loved that bit from Mac and Charlie Die where Charlie starts arguing with her about the plausibility of buying her a new 1996 Ford Focus or whatever used car of hers they wrecked.

I always loved that bit from Mac and Charlie Die where Charlie starts arguing with her about the plausibility of buying her a new 1996 Ford Focus or whatever used car of hers they wrecked.

Ha, ha that's exactly how I feel. I tried to watch it once or twice in its first and second seasons but could never really get into it. The attitude of the show's fans on this website has guaranteed that I will never give it a 3rd shot. There's no way, just no way that that show is as great as people here make it out

Ha, ha that's exactly how I feel. I tried to watch it once or twice in its first and second seasons but could never really get into it. The attitude of the show's fans on this website has guaranteed that I will never give it a 3rd shot. There's no way, just no way that that show is as great as people here make it out

It wasn't one of my favorites, either. It had some good moments, but some of the best for me felt like a re-tread—like the punchline where dee's car got wrecked and that's why she was beating on mac and charlie. We've seen both of those punchlines before(how the gang's versions of stories can differ wildly from one

It wasn't one of my favorites, either. It had some good moments, but some of the best for me felt like a re-tread—like the punchline where dee's car got wrecked and that's why she was beating on mac and charlie. We've seen both of those punchlines before(how the gang's versions of stories can differ wildly from one

While it can technically function as both a prefix and a preposition, it still does not make sense as a stand alone word. And as the below noted, its meaning in Greek is not really relevant here.

While it can technically function as both a prefix and a preposition, it still does not make sense as a stand alone word. And as the below noted, its meaning in Greek is not really relevant here.



i suppose it is if you actually accept that 'meta' is a stand-alone word and not a prefix, but i happen to belong to the latter school of thought. in any case, i vote for 'macro' as the next word av club commentators use to excess.

i suppose it is if you actually accept that 'meta' is a stand-alone word and not a prefix, but i happen to belong to the latter school of thought. in any case, i vote for 'macro' as the next word av club commentators use to excess.

yes, i want to say one of the first bird references(maybe not the first, but it's the first one i remember) is back when the gang gives back and dee wears that yellow suit to coach basketball. i distinctly remember them calling her big bird and i was expecting that from frank rather than the banana remark when she

yes, i want to say one of the first bird references(maybe not the first, but it's the first one i remember) is back when the gang gives back and dee wears that yellow suit to coach basketball. i distinctly remember them calling her big bird and i was expecting that from frank rather than the banana remark when she

people hate the liberty bell one? weird. i think it's one of their best, what with the constant witch slave references and the bit where charlie and frank purposely aim muskets at each other's faces and fire them to prove they're broken.

people hate the liberty bell one? weird. i think it's one of their best, what with the constant witch slave references and the bit where charlie and frank purposely aim muskets at each other's faces and fire them to prove they're broken.

me too. i've been dying to see one of the puzzles mac and charlie were so terrified of getting.