
I'm suprised the Manson/Tate/Megan "connection" was even worthy of a mention here. I know it's been flying around the internet the last week or so, but did anyone really think it was anything other than off-the-wall speculation? It just seemed so ridiculous to even consider for a show like this one.

To me, she's a partner, and should now be delegating minor office politics issues including worrying about what other people's secretaries are doing when they're on the clock. At the most, she should have raised the issue with Harry, not fired his secretary without letting him know about it. She made it even worse by

She's a partner now, not the office manager. If she wants to not be treated like a secretary, she needs to stop acting like the head of the secretaries and stop getting into petty disagreements with them. Can you imagine any of the other partners a)giving a shit where Scarlett was or b) going to such lengths to prove

Either way, it's no longer her place to discipline other people's secretaries, and she clearly planned to do something to Dawn given her "I'll deal with you later" comment.

Not so sure Joan firing Harry's secretary was a "no-brainer" personnel decision. When have we ever seen the partners get involved in petty disagreements with secretaries? She goes out of her way to try to fire two people's assistants without even bothering to talk to them about it(Dawn is only saved because Harry

I sort of liked the unexpected back story—that Rick and the governor knew each other from before, and that the governor was the town drunk. Which is closely followed by said character stating that he brought whiskey to the meeting.

Someone complained about the whole situation being Merle's fault and she stated that it didn't matter whose fault it was. So one line apart from the impromptu song.

I would have been curious to see what Andrea's next move would have been if she had killed the Governor. He would have just been replaced by one of his equally unhinged henchmen. Not sure that would put the group at the prison at any less risk in the long run.

I hope not, given that she's got to be 18, tops, but it would create some drama later especially if they keep going with the "carl has a crush" thing….but eh, i dunno. That's a bit too soapy even for this show.

I really enjoyed his backstory, what little we got of it. Thinking back on it, we really don't know many people's backstory(as far as what they were doing during the worst of the outbreaks, when everything went to hell) other than Shane, Lori and Carl's flashback to the ATL firebombing and of course, the farm group,

Is Maggie's little sis(sorry, forgot her name) making a bid to play Lori #2? That kiss she gave Rick when he returned, as well as the fact that she's the only person we ever see with the baby is making me wonder about that possibility. Well, that and the fact that much of everything else going on character-wise is

That's true. You'll sometimes hear the chefs in the finale talking about what they did during their time off between taping of the regular show and the taping of the finale portion. There's definitely a significant lag between the two.

Jimmy Kimmell! Jimmy Fallon!! THE JIMMYS

Ugh, I will never forgive the Big Love execs for not going with Interpol for the 4th season opener. Whatever crap song they went with was…well, crap by comparison. 

This one's simple: He didn't get an education and not only is proud of it, but also is extremely threatened by anyone who did; he cares an awful lot about material possessions and enjoys bragging about the things he owns; he identifies with Christianity but doesn't follow any of its precepts; his girlfriends are

Yeah, I have to say that I honestly did not understand the accusations leveled at the commenters about how we needed to better police ourselves, etc, etc.  Most of the criticisms of the reviews over the season were valid. As per usual, some were nothing more erudite than "Your reviews blow, get someone new in here"

Yeah, I have to say that I honestly did not understand the accusations leveled at the commenters about how we needed to better police ourselves, etc, etc.  Most of the criticisms of the reviews over the season were valid. As per usual, some were nothing more erudite than "Your reviews blow, get someone new in here"

Yeah, the people that came up with list are a bunch of goddamned IDIOTS!!

Yeah, the people that came up with list are a bunch of goddamned IDIOTS!!