me too. i've been dying to see one of the puzzles mac and charlie were so terrified of getting.
me too. i've been dying to see one of the puzzles mac and charlie were so terrified of getting.
and meta. people around here flipping love that word, too.
and meta. people around here flipping love that word, too.
I thought about that, too…but Georgia? I was born there so I feel pretty safe in saying that that's the one of the few things people down there don't mind coughing up tax money for—better prison security. I recognize, though, that it's a minor plot point and really the situation would be untenable if all the doors…
I thought about that, too…but Georgia? I was born there so I feel pretty safe in saying that that's the one of the few things people down there don't mind coughing up tax money for—better prison security. I recognize, though, that it's a minor plot point and really the situation would be untenable if all the doors…
yes, and this is addressed pretty satisfactorily in World War Z should anyone be interested in picking it up. The military teams that were responsible for the sweeps and clean-up argue about whether the southern team had it easier(they were able to kill all the zombies on the first go) or the northern team(they got a…
yes, and this is addressed pretty satisfactorily in World War Z should anyone be interested in picking it up. The military teams that were responsible for the sweeps and clean-up argue about whether the southern team had it easier(they were able to kill all the zombies on the first go) or the northern team(they got a…
it was dog food—i caught a glimpse of a picture of a dog on the can when carl grabbed it out of the cupboard. rick probably threw it in a fit of 'i'm such a shitty leader i can't find grocery story in north-west GA' rage. based on carl's(as well as the others) readiness to eat said dog food, we can only assume they've…
it was dog food—i caught a glimpse of a picture of a dog on the can when carl grabbed it out of the cupboard. rick probably threw it in a fit of 'i'm such a shitty leader i can't find grocery story in north-west GA' rage. based on carl's(as well as the others) readiness to eat said dog food, we can only assume they've…
i do wonder how it is that they managed to find the last prison on the face of the earth that still uses keys rather than electronic locks.
i do wonder how it is that they managed to find the last prison on the face of the earth that still uses keys rather than electronic locks.
yeah, that whole 'we're all infected' is kind of messing things up, in my opinion. if you think about it logically, a simple infection should not have killed off 99.9% of the world's population what with most of the world having ready access to antibiotics.
yeah, that whole 'we're all infected' is kind of messing things up, in my opinion. if you think about it logically, a simple infection should not have killed off 99.9% of the world's population what with most of the world having ready access to antibiotics.
Couple of thoughts: Rick is vastly underestimating the speed of the human circulatory system. How nice was it to see the prisoners and their guards working so well together to eat the group?
Couple of thoughts: Rick is vastly underestimating the speed of the human circulatory system. How nice was it to see the prisoners and their guards working so well together to eat the group?
Yeah, that part where all the kids kept disappearing because the concentration camp guards were murdering them was pretty funny and not at all horrific. Seriously, I would consider the movie to be sappy, melodramatic, and unrealistic. But a straight comedy with a Disney version of the Holocaust? No.
Yeah, that part where all the kids kept disappearing because the concentration camp guards were murdering them was pretty funny and not at all horrific. Seriously, I would consider the movie to be sappy, melodramatic, and unrealistic. But a straight comedy with a Disney version of the Holocaust? No.
I couldn't comment on the right post, but from all accounts, you're right about Boston, I think. I've heard it's the most difficult city to drive in. I'm from the south, and people that I know that have driven there speak of it like fucking legend—like Boston is Mordor and they managed to find their way out of it…
I couldn't comment on the right post, but from all accounts, you're right about Boston, I think. I've heard it's the most difficult city to drive in. I'm from the south, and people that I know that have driven there speak of it like fucking legend—like Boston is Mordor and they managed to find their way out of it…
yes. wait. no.