
i thought that was strange, too. i really didn't realize how much people hated the guy until i saw the comments for this show. his comedies aren't the best of all time or anything, but family guy and american dad are both good for an easy laugh every once in a while. i guess this is one of those ''it's popular so we

you sound like a really *fun* person to watch movies with. seriously, though, it's a zombie movie. the genre does not lend itself well to this much analysis.

you sound like a really *fun* person to watch movies with. seriously, though, it's a zombie movie. the genre does not lend itself well to this much analysis.

Freaks and Geeks—Looks and Books: where Lindsay rejoins the Matheletes and defeats her arch-rival Shelly only to decide she doesn't really want to re-join the team after all.

Freaks and Geeks—Looks and Books: where Lindsay rejoins the Matheletes and defeats her arch-rival Shelly only to decide she doesn't really want to re-join the team after all.

seeing the new female cast members in juxtaposition with the new male cast members is yet another reminder that you'd better be attractive and funny if you want to be a female comedian. imagine if someone like mary wickes was trying to make it in this climate.

seeing the new female cast members in juxtaposition with the new male cast members is yet another reminder that you'd better be attractive and funny if you want to be a female comedian. imagine if someone like mary wickes was trying to make it in this climate.

mine is dark shadows. i started watching it last year and i'm totally hooked despite the fact that the show has absolutely no redeeming qualities—the camera work is awful, the plots are thin, the actors and actresses can barely remember their lines, etc. i can't even fall back on the 'i ran home to watch it after

mine is dark shadows. i started watching it last year and i'm totally hooked despite the fact that the show has absolutely no redeeming qualities—the camera work is awful, the plots are thin, the actors and actresses can barely remember their lines, etc. i can't even fall back on the 'i ran home to watch it after

[crashes into tree]

[crashes into tree]

no fucking way. she had like ONE glass of champagne on the way to prom. fucking crucify that bitch.

no fucking way. she had like ONE glass of champagne on the way to prom. fucking crucify that bitch.

loved the comments about people being bigoted against southerners. when my mother moved from georgia to washington state a few years ago, a couple of her new neighbors actually came over and gave her pamphlets on racism. just because she was from georgia. i'm sure they meant well, but she cried for a week.

loved the comments about people being bigoted against southerners. when my mother moved from georgia to washington state a few years ago, a couple of her new neighbors actually came over and gave her pamphlets on racism. just because she was from georgia. i'm sure they meant well, but she cried for a week.

No, Walt Jr is Keyser Söze. Duh.

No, Walt Jr is Keyser Söze. Duh.

at some point your children's physical safety has to trump their potential opinion of their father's criminal activity. i'm not even going to touch the hank thing. his job security shouldn't be a consideration at all at this point. i recognize based on the episode '51' that the writers/creators want us to sypmathize

at some point your children's physical safety has to trump their potential opinion of their father's criminal activity. i'm not even going to touch the hank thing. his job security shouldn't be a consideration at all at this point. i recognize based on the episode '51' that the writers/creators want us to sypmathize

if you choose to look at it that way, that's fine, but to say that is like saying that the the whole 'walt spilling the beans about the affair' was just a lazy plot device used to try to absolve skylar of the guilt/necessity of telling the truth. that just isn't going to work on me, regardless of what the intentions